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  1. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    The Samaritan in Luke 10 is also a Christian.
  2. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    I know that Joshua and Isaiah believed in love, truth, justice, and therefore believed in God and Jesus, and therefore are Christians. This is such a super simple spiritual realization.
  3. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    All who wholly and solely believe in GOD who is Love, whom Jesus is ONE with, meet the criteria in John 14:12. I stated this in my previous post, and so yes, I do believe that Joshua and Isaiah are included among those whom the Lord was speaking of. You seem to me to have a problem believing...
  4. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    Joshua and Isaiah, among others had faith in God/Jesus/love. They therefore believed in Christ and met the requirements in John 14:12, and therefore were able to perform greater miracles as those of the Lord.
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    Do we really believe in God?

    If no one has done greater, or will in the future do greater miracles than those that Jesus did, then Jesus would be wrong in His statement in John 14:12. He is not wrong. Did not Joshua have the sun stay in place while he was in combat with the enemy? Some might see this as a great miracle. Did...
  6. L

    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    An original definition of "Sin" is where when someone aimed at a target with with a bow and arrow and missed. The miss was referred to as a sin. To sin is to miss the mark. The man of sin misses the mark in his policies (that are contrary to God/love), with which he will deceive all of mankind...
  7. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    That is His Word that there will be those who believe in Him who will do even greater miracles than those He did. You either believe this, or you don't, or you make excuses for why you do not fit the bill.
  8. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    The Lords disciples believed in Him to a point. That is why the Lord called them "ye of little faith". This is about where most of us who are truly of little faith in Christ are today. Of course there are the phonies among the little faiths, who do not believe in Gods Word, and thereby give...
  9. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    Ever wonder how Peter, Paul, and the other disciples did the miracles/works that Christ did, and even greater ones (John 14:12)? It is because they believed solely in God, and had no faith in Mammon/the curse, that we, including myself, are all double minded with today. John 14:12 Verily...
  10. L

    Do we really believe in God?

    Throughout the books in the bible, the Lord reiterates repeatedly through dozens of his servants, to walk humbly, do justly, be equitable, speak truth, and to basically love your neighbor. The Lord saw the need to repeat all this relatively simple set of commandments throughout the bible because...
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    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    Do you know what the son of perdition is? It is the son whose policies are contrary to faith in Christ, and is therefore Antichrist. And as God is Love (1 John 4:7-8 & 16); the Antichrist's policies would then be Anti love, resulting in the hate filled lies the Antichrist and his policies produce.
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    There are so many things that we do know about in the cosmos and on the earth, to which we have no explanations for. Example: All matter in the universe we know is at its most miniscule level comprised of energy, and yet to this day science has no logical explanation for why all matter/energy...
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    Something from nothing as elaborated in Hebrews 11:3 accredited to God is more plausible to me than is something from nothing without any known reason.
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    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    The delusion/s the Lord will choose to send to those who deny the truth in 2 Thessalonians 2 is Bible Discussion.
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    It depends on what your definition of evidence is. Does an expanding universe materializing from an infinitesimally tiny singularity constitute evidence? By faith, I understand this to be evidence. Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that...
  16. L

    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    If I were to leave off here, then the fact about QAnon representing delusional beliefs would not be answered. Anyone who wants to can google the pizzagate documentary to see what type of establishment it was. It was nothing of a pedophile pizza shop. QAnon as a whole may thereby very well be...
  17. L

    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    While I agree with you that it is wrong to even think of allowing pre-adolescent kids to have sex change surgery; that is not the topic here. I saw the pizzagate documentary on the pizza shop that was accused of having the pedophile ring (Supposedly run by Democratic members of Congress). It...
  18. L

    Why does God allow suffering?

    Because of mans choice in the garden to believe the devil rather than God; the Lord is now working on the problem to make everything straight. Isaiah 28:21 For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work...
  19. L

    1 Peter 4:8 "charity"

    Some people who do not know love, or do not want to love their neighbor, exchange love for charity, as they can easily perform an act of charity for someone, without having love for that someone. God is love, and those who love, know God, and are known by God (1 John 4:7-8 & 16). There will be...
  20. L

    Is QAnon part of the delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

    Those who believe in the host of QAnon's outlandish claims are delusional. Just because QAnon members lean politically to the right, does not make their lies about the left true. Democratic members of congress are not running pedophile rings out of pizza parlors, nor are they eating babies. This...