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  1. L

    Death, the fourth horseman, and Hell following

    When I refer to the end times, I am referring to the end of the age, before the new age when the Lord commences to reign on the earth (Revelation 11:15). This end of the present age under Satan comes at the end of the beasts 42 months. Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there...
  2. L

    Death, the fourth horseman, and Hell following

    If we are to assess who the best candidates for the four horsemen of the apocalypse represent, we then need to look at the criteria for each and see which world government/s best meet the criteria. The first horseman is given authority by God to go about conquering and to conquer others. What...
  3. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    I would guess step 4 being our adoption as Gods children where the promises of God to them who believe on Christ apply, able to do the miracles and greater miracles that those the Lord did; our being caught up spiritually with Christ. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth...
  4. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    To those who can't hear.
  5. L

    Death, the fourth horseman, and Hell following

    There is another area in the Word where death and hell appear. In Isaiah 28:18 the land of Israel appears in league with death and hell, of which the Lord states that the covenant made with death will be disannulled, and the agreement with hell will not stand. As the land of Israel is in the...
  6. L

    Death, the fourth horseman, and Hell following

    I think most would agree that Revelation 6 is in regards to the earth during the end times of the present age. As such, and being in the end times of the present age; the 1/4 of the world the fourth horseman, death kills its citizens through sword, famine, plague, and beasts/hard criminals...
  7. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    Again you respond with demeaning statements due to your weakness in the Word. There are numerous criteria in Mark 13, Luke 21, and Matthew 24 which the generation expounded upon are to witness before the end of the age occurs. None of these have occurred in the first century AD. Realizing this...
  8. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    I'm not sure if receiving the Spirit of Christ is the same as being adopted by the Father in Romans 9; but if one wishes to be adopted into the family of God, according to 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 it looks like we need to leave our worldly goods and lifestyle behind us. As most of us never attain...
  9. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    You are demeaning to more individuals than just to JB. When you respond with something is "shamelessly stupid, totally useless" and other such demeaning comments, it shows your agitation due to your lack of knowledge through the Word. Ahwatukee made the point that the temple (and other great...
  10. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    When we turn from our carnal inclinations and turn towards the Lord spiritual Way, I understand as being the 2nd step towards adoption, while the promises in His Word are still not ours. Upon putting all our carnal tendencies behind us for the Lords Way; there then comes a time when we are...
  11. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    The reply I made is that the next step for someone who has overcome their carnal inclinations (step 2), and is awaiting adoption by the Father, appears to be their having to leave their worldly belongings and life behind them (step 3). Upon accomplishing the three steps, the promises made by the...
  12. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    The ones here who quote scripture in defense of their perspectives appear mostly calm in their posts, while the ones who do not quote scriptures appear mostly agitated and demeaning in defense of their unsupported by scripture perspectives.
  13. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    Is it to exit the camp as indicated in 2 Corinthians 6:17-18? 2 Corinthians 6:18 does seem to correlate with the Lords adoption of the creature in Romans 9. 2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will...
  14. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    According to the Lords Word, the forthcoming great tribulation in Revelation 8 and 9 is the result of environmental destruction caused by the love mankind has for the works from his hands (Revelation 9:20). Revelation 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet...
  15. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    A fallen star/angel provides mankind with illumination/knowledge resulting in 1/3 of the earths fresh water resources to become poisoned. It is estimated that of the 95% fracking operations that are known not to leak currently, the majority of which will over the course of the next 30 years...
  16. L

    Death, the fourth horseman, and Hell following

    Anyone think the ensuing catastrophes in the Middle East, where people are being killed by sword in Syria, and are dying of hunger in Yemen at the hands of Saudi Arabia, who is backed by the U.S., represents the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse death, with Hell following at his heels...
  17. L

    Nearly 2000 years later

    I can only speculate as to what the sin unto death is, and that being like Ananias and Sapphira who acted upon their faithlessness. Like those who opposed and acted against Moses which led to their deaths. In short I think it has to do with taking action in faithlessness.
  18. L

    Repentance , the Salvation journey part two .

    Leaving some of our dead works in the flesh behind us, and proceeding towards the light.
  19. L

    Is This A Christian Or Not A Christian

    Yes, Saudi Arabia is a sovereign nation, but I do not condone its murder of Khashoggi, or its murdering of 50,000 + Yemenis. This is the devils world, and the politics thereof is the same. No stink about the 50,000 + Yemenis killed here either; Why? And yet, Pat Robertson says we should stay in...
  20. L

    “About The Great Tribulation”

    In Daniel 8:10, the little horn that emerges from one of four seceded horns of the he-goat casts some of heavens stars to the ground. The stars that are cast to the ground are then explained in Daniel 8:12 with it casting truth to the ground. As such I then recognize the Lords angels who...