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  1. WebersHome

    Gen 25:8c-10

    - †. Gen 25:8c . . and he was gathered to his kin. "gathered to his kin" isn't recorded only of special people; not when Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron, and Moses are all recorded to have been gathered to their kin too. An analysis of the contexts in which the phrase is found reveals that it is...
  2. WebersHome

    Gen 25:7-8b

    - †. Gen 25:7 . .This was the total span of Abraham's life: one hundred and seventy-five years. Abraham resided in Canaan for 100 years; and outlived Sarah by 48. That's not the way it usually happens here in modern America. Wives typically outlive their husbands; and if you don't think that's...
  3. WebersHome

    Gen 25:1-6

    - †. Gen 25:1 . . Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah. According to 1Chrn 1:32, Ms. Keturah wasn't really a full-fledged wife as Sarah had been, but was a wife of a different color altogether. She was a piylegesh (pee-leh'-ghesh) which means: a mistress or a paramour; viz: a...
  4. WebersHome

    Gen 24:65-67

    - †. Gen 24:65a . . and said to the servant: Who is that man walking in the field toward us? And the servant said: That is my master. Well; the man approaching was much too young to be Abraham, and there was only one other person on the whole planet that Abraham's servant would ever call his...
  5. WebersHome

    Gen 24:61b-64

    - †. Gen 24:61b . . So the servant took Rebecca and went his way. The 500 mile trip to Isaac's camp, which must have taken at least two weeks, was a great opportunity for Rebecca to become familiar with the manager of her spouse's goods. People bond well under hardship and under close knit...
  6. WebersHome

    Gen 24:54-61a

    - †. Gen 24:54-55 . .Then he and the men with him ate and drank, and they spent the night. When they arose next morning, he said: Give me leave to go to my master. But her brother and her mother said: Let the maiden remain with us some ten days; then you may go. Their request was reasonable...
  7. WebersHome

    Gen 24:36-53

    - †. Gen 24:36a . . And Sarah, my master's wife, bore my master a son in her old age Oddly, he doesn't mention Sarah's passing. But then, the Scriptures don't record every word that people ever spoke-- just excerpts really. Back in verse 30, Becky's entire experience at the spring is recounted...
  8. WebersHome

    Gen 24:32-35

    - †. Gen 24:32 . . So the man entered the house, and the camels were unloaded. The camels were given straw and feed, and water was brought to bathe his feet and the feet of the men with him. In those days, when somebody "entered the house" they actually entered a gateway into a courtyard...
  9. WebersHome

    Where Is Prince Now?

    - Prince started out in life as a Seventh Day Adventist. Sometime around 2001 he joined the Jehovah's Witnesses; which is the missionary arm of the Watchtower Society. According to the Society's theology, human life is entirely physical. In other words; people experience no conscious existence...
  10. WebersHome

    Gen 24:23-31

    - †. Gen 24:23-25 . . Pray tell me; he said: whose daughter are you? Is there room in your father's house for us to spend the night? She replied: I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor. And she went on: There is plenty of straw and feed at home, and also room to...
  11. WebersHome

    Gen 24:16d-22

    - †. Gen 24:16d . . She went down to the spring, filled her jar, and came up. The "spring" in this case was a small pool of water fed by an aquifer, which is different than an artesian well. Artesians gush, while aquifers seep. Some of the shafts of ancient man-made wells in that part of the...
  12. WebersHome

    Gen 24:11-16c

    - †. Gen 24:11 . . He made the camels kneel down by the well outside the city, at evening time, the time when women come out to draw water. "evening time" is from an ambiguous word that indicates any time between high noon and sunset as opposed to "morning" which can indicate any time between...
  13. WebersHome

    Gen 24:3c-10

    - †. Gen 24:3c-4 . . that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I dwell, but will go to the land of my birth and get a wife for my son Isaac. The words "land of my birth" can also mean "to my country and to my relatives." That is exactly how the...
  14. WebersHome

    Gen 24:1-3b

    - †. Gen 24:1a . . Abraham was now old, advanced in years, Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born (Gen 21:25). The lad was 40 when he married Rebecca (Gen 25:20). So that makes Abraham 140 at this point in the record. But although Abraham was worn; he wasn't worn out. Abraham still had plenty of...
  15. WebersHome

    Gen 23:10b-20

    - †. Gen 23:10b-11 . . saying: No, my lord, hear me: I give you the field and I give you the cave that is in it; I give it to you in the presence of my people. Bury your dead. Ephron's generosity was no doubt sincere, but merely one more formality towards closing a deal on the property. Not...
  16. WebersHome

    Gen 23:1-10a

    - †. Gen 23:1-2a . . Sarah's lifetime-- the span of Sarah's life --came to one hundred and twenty-seven years. Sarah died in Kiriath-arba-- now Hebron --in the land of Canaan; This is the only woman in the entire Old Testament for whom an age is given at the time of her death. Isaac was 37 at...
  17. WebersHome

    Gen 22:13-24

    - †. Gen 22:13 . .When Abraham looked up, his eye fell upon a ram, caught in the thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering in place of his son. The covenant that Yhvh's people agreed upon with God as per Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and...
  18. WebersHome

    Gen 22:11-12

    - †. Gen 22:11 . .Then an angel of God called to him from heaven: Abraham! Abraham! And he answered: Here I am. This particular celestial messenger is not only going to speak about God, and speak for God, but it will also speak as God. †. Gen 22:12a . . And he said: Do not raise your hand...
  19. WebersHome

    Gen 22:9b-10

    - †. Gen 22:9b . . Abraham built an altar there; he laid out the wood; This was a place where, apparently, Abraham had never worshipped before because he had to build an altar. †. Gen 22:9c . . he bound his son Isaac; If Isaac was old enough, and strong enough, to shoulder a load of firewood...
  20. WebersHome

    Gen 22:6b-9a

    - †. Gen 22:6b-7 . . He himself took the firestone and the knife; and the two walked off together. Then Isaac said to his father Abraham: Father! And he answered: Yes, my son. And he said: Here are the firestone and the wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt offering? Oops! That's kind of...