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  1. WebersHome

    Was Jephthah's Daughter Slain?

    - †. Judg 11:30-32 . . And Jephthah made a vow to Yhvh and said: If you will indeed give the sons of Ammon into my hand, then it shall be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the sons of Ammon, it shall be the Lord's, and I will offer it up as...
  2. WebersHome

    Is The Story Of The Rich Man And Lazarus True Or False?

    - Luke 16:19-31 is commonly alleged to be a parable; which of course implies that the story is false. But the parable theory has a fatal flaw; and that flaw is Abraham. He's a real-life man; held in very high esteem by at least three of the world's prominent religions: Judaism, Christianity, and...
  3. WebersHome

    What/Where Is Sheol?

    - Sheol is a transliteration of the Hebrew word sheol (sheh-ole'). It's very first appearance in the Bible is the passage below; recording Jacob's reaction upon being informed of his son Joseph's alleged death. †. Gen 37:33-35 . . And he recognized it and said: It is my son's tunic. A wild...
  4. WebersHome

    A Wiser Than Solomon Was Here

    - †. Luke 11:31 . .The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, but, look! Something more than Solomon is here. As bright as Solomon was, his wisdom was...
  5. WebersHome

    How Is Christ Related To Solomon?

    - Q: The Lord's dad, Joseph, biologically descended from Solomon. However, Jesus didn't. He biologically descended from Solomon's brother Nathan. But according to the genealogy in Matthew, Jesus is in Solomon's line. How so? A: At Gen 48:5-7, Jacob adopted his own two grandsons Manasseh and...
  6. WebersHome

    What's With The Seal?

    - According to Eph 1:12-15, the Holy Spirit serves two purposes. First off, the Holy Spirit himself is the "seal" which is from the koiné Greek word sphragizo (sfrag-id'-zo). The word has no reference whatsoever to a zip lock bag, or a strip of tape, or a gasket, or that little doo-dad that the...
  7. WebersHome

    How Is Christ Related To Adam?

    - There are a number of Christians out there teaching and preaching that Jesus wasn't biologically related to Adam seeing as how his conception didn't involve a biological human father. However, Jesus did have a biological human mother; and that was all he needed in order to be included in...
  8. WebersHome

    WHEN Do People Obtain Eternal Life?

    - In the passages below, note the grammatical tense of the "have" verbs. They're in the present tense; not future, indicating that believers have eternal life right now-- no delay, and no waiting period. †. John 3:36 . . He who believes in the Son has eternal life †. John 6:47 . .Truly, truly...
  9. WebersHome

    How Do People Obtain Eternal Life?

    - People get eternal life basically the same way they get an iPhone 6-- they contact a distributor of the product they want. In this case, there is but one authorized distributor: God's son. †. John 17:2 . .You have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as...
  10. WebersHome

    Why Do People Need Eternal Life?

    - †. John 17:2-4 . .You have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as You have given him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. The Greek word translated "know" in that passage is...
  11. WebersHome

    What Is Eternal Life?

    - Eternal life is easily confused with immortality. The two are not one and the same. Immortality defines the characteristics of a superhuman body impervious to death; while eternal life defines the characteristics of a divine being. †. 1John 1:1-2 . .What was from the beginning, what we have...
  12. WebersHome

    What Is The Flesh?

    - †. Rom 8:13 . . For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the body, you will live. The word for flesh is sarx (sarx); which essentially indicates the meaty parts of either man or beast. The meat of the human body would of course...
  13. WebersHome

    What Is A Spiritual Body?

    - I'm going to deliberately misquote 1Cor 15:44. Watch for the changes. "It is sown a solid body; it is raised a spirit body. There is a solid body, and there is a spirit body." I did it like that to bring out the point that the koiné Greek word for "spiritual" is ambiguous; viz: it doesn't...
  14. WebersHome

    Who/What Is The Schoolmaster?

    - †. Gal 3:24 . .The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. The koiné Greek word for "schoolmaster" is paidagogos (pahee-dag-o-gos') which defines not a headmaster, nor a teacher, nor a tutor. It essentially defines a servant whose responsibility...
  15. WebersHome

    What Means "under the law"?

    - †. Rom 6:14 . . For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. The "law" in question is the covenant that Yhvh's people agreed upon with God as per Deut 29:9-15. The important thing to note about the agreement is that it's a legally binding contract. So then...
  16. WebersHome

    Why David's Little Boy?

    - Long story short: David committed the capital crimes of premeditated murder and adultery (2Sam 11:1-2Sam 12:23). As bad as those two crimes are; what really rattled heaven's cage was that David's conduct was an embarrassment. †. 2Sam 12:14a . . Because by this deed you have given occasion to...
  17. WebersHome

    Why Do People Believe What They Believe?

    - Why does any believer believe what they believe? Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Bahá'í, Hare Krishna, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Judaism, Voodoo, Wiccan, Jain, Druze, Native American, etc, etc, etc. The answer is: they like it. It's a known fact that quite a few of voters do their voting with their...
  18. WebersHome

    Who/What Is The Firstborn?

    - †. Col 1:15 . . He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Some belief systems use that verse to prove that God's beloved son was the first thing that God ever created. However, the Greek word for first-created is different than the word for firstborn. First-created...
  19. WebersHome

    Did Abraham Banish Hagar Or What?

    - †. Gen 21:10-12 . . Sarah said to Abraham: Cast out that slave-woman and her son, for the son of that slave shall not share in the inheritance with my son Isaac. Sarah's goal was to prevent Ishmael from getting a piece of Abraham's estate; which he would have seeing as the Code Of Hammurabi...
  20. WebersHome

    What Became Of Noah's Ark?

    - †. Gen 8:3b . . At the end of one hundred and fifty days the waters diminished, so that in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. The precise topographic location, where the ark went aground, was not really up on a specific...