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  1. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    A interesting take on James 2:24. Do you know of any Bible translations that present the verse in such a way?
  2. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    When "God draws near an individual" it is after He has searched their heart and mind. (Jeremiah 17:10, 20:12 and Psalm 7:9). God searches the hearts and minds of man. He does not make or change their hearts or minds without their consent. Those who desire this change ask for this change of...
  3. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    "condescends to them" ??? What does this mean? Does God universally grant this grace to all mankind or just those (few or not) to whom He has pre-ordained? Are the people who are granted (many or few) this revelation able to refuse it? "You don't believe people people don't respond", this...
  4. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Here is the verse: John 3:18 New International Version Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. The belief or non-belief in the Son of God is not pre-ordained or even...
  5. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    You are not very forthright in your comments. You believe that mankind cannot and will not response in a positive manner to God' grace by his own volition. A pre-ordained and non consensual "repentance" is one in name only.
  6. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    "far more"??? Are you not the person who claims that this grace is limited to the pre-ordained chosen few mentioned in Matthew 22:14? If the gospel is not offered universally to mankind then the gospel is by nature "far less".
  7. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Maybe but what does this have to do with the OP.
  8. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Because He was the 2nd man born without a earthly father.
  9. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Not sure what you are implying by the term "born in Adam" but Genesis 3:20 states that Eve is the mother of all of the living. Genesis 3:20 New International Version Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living...
  10. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    This is the verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 New International Version For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Are you implying that the "gift of God" is faith in Him or is it God's grace...
  11. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    As long as we are allowed to use generalities: 1. Fulfill all prophesies. 2. Live a perfect life.
  12. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    You are simply spewing out metaphysical religious jargon. Again, what are the limits or bounds of "a blood atonement" or "perfect righteousness"? Your unwillingness to address this matter speaks much.
  13. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    The issue is not "can" God save but "does" God save. It is this verbal sleight of hand that makes you seem disingenuous. The OP is about what are the requirements for salvation in order to be among the chosen few. (Matthew 22:14)
  14. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    What does this have to do with the question? Your words seem to be rather disingenuous.
  15. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Your words say otherwise. Your comments have no bounds hence universalism.
  16. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    And how does your belief differ from universalism?
  17. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    This is the OP: What is God's requirement for salvation (GRFS)? Are you implying that God has no requirements from mankind? Be honest, are you pushing universalism?
  18. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Okay... but what about the question? Your comment sounds like a call for universalism. Is faith needed and if so what is the threshold for salvation?
  19. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Sounds purposely vague.
  20. Lamar

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Are these not simple generalities? Can such generalities save anyone? Where is the threshold for saving faith?