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    God with us

    thunderrr, now that I’m old, all I think about are the days when I was young and unhappy.
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    God with us

    Thunderr, Good morning. How's England doing these days? As for my book it only goes for 19 or 20 dollars, so it must be the shipping to England that adds to the cost. But thanks for even considering it.
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    And what's the law? Thou shall not, Murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, covet, etc. Sure, we all have to obey the law.
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    598 to 2027, from beginning to end.

    Romans, good morning. I do not consider the word "days to be years in either case, not from the context and considering the whole book of Daniel. Danile's book unlike Revelation covers hundres of years, centuries. So my conclusions are as follows. From 598 B.C. to 692 A.D. is 1290 years...
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    The man who hung from the cross.

    Today we have these little catchphrases like “Jesus died for our sins;” or “Jesus suffered and died for us.” But what was it really like? How much did he suffer? Being tied to a stake by the Persians eventually evolved into Roman crucifixion. The Romans brought it to a new level of perfection...
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    Covetousness is idolatry of the heart. It sets up material wealth as a god and places a person's confidence in their wealth and success instead of God alone. The O.T. reveals a trail of destruction and death for those who covet. Joshua 7:21, Joshua took those who coveted, and "Stoned him...
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    God with us

    Thunderrr, thanks for your comments. First, my name is Phillip Laspino, full-blooded second-generation Italian. The 10-22-27 is the name of a novel I recently published; it can be purchased on Amazon, thought to get some cheap advertising on the forum. As far as studying phycology, if it's in...
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    The cults

    One of the definitions of a cult is, "Devotion to a person, idea or thing. I believe the rest of all my posts pretty much tell us what a cult is.
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    God with us

    Interesting! I always appreciated a man who works with his hands doing carpentry. A good carpenter will always have work, especially a skilled carpenter. Curious, why phycology? the worlds gone mad, what's the point? What kind of boats are you talking about? Studying the Bible has been my...
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    God with us

    Thunderrr, curious, where you from, and what do you do for a living.
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    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    Okay, let me ask you a question. How have you Scripturally arrived at the year 2028, just curious? You have to have a start point, in order to come to this 2028.
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    God with us

    Thunderrr, concerning your question, "i can't understand why so many people are making jokes about the rapture?" My thoughts on the subject. I don't not believe these people have any idea why a rapture is necessary. Death and destruction lie at the end, and unless a person has had a full life...
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    God with us

    I was speaking of your cartoon, not the rapture.
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    God with us

    I like that, very GOOD!
  15. 1

    598 to 2027, from beginning to end.

    No, I don't waffle, I asked a simple question which none of you appear able to answer. I'm solid in my understanding of end time prophecy and have plenty of biblical proof. 598 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar removed sacred vessels from temple. End of Daily sacrifice. 2 Chronicles 36:5-7. 1290 years...
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    God with us

    Thunderr-mental, I know you post that comment of mine because you love to read my very, very funny responses. This one's for you. A while back I entered a contest concerning end time prophesy. Well, wouldn’t you know, I won! They gave me three choices for my prize vacation. 1. A 3-week vacation...
  17. 1

    Daniel and Matthews abomination of desolation.

    I would like to know when all the above is going to happen. This year? 7 years from now? or a thousand years from now? If you don't stop this foolishness, you're going to get the Lord so confused, he won't know when he's supposed to return. You people give me the impression you read the Bible...
  18. 1

    598 to 2027, from beginning to end.

    I will ask one more time, most everyone on this form has said the antichrist will be a Jew. So again, I ask, "If the antichrist is a Jew, are you then saying he, as a Jew is going to make a covenant with the Jews? If so, what will the covenant be?