Search results for query: meatloaf

  1. seoulsearch

    All Are Welcome Mingle #6: Exotic Foods and How to Handle Them?

    ...note on the title -- I was trying to do a parody of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," but alas. :LOL: Anyway... All the talk about meatloaf in Mingle #5 got me thinking about how much foods differ among cultures, and how we react to unfamiliar foods. As pointed out in the last...
  2. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    This question came up early on and I went into a detailed explanation in the following post. To me, a hamburger is not even close to being meatloaf. I don't know if it's different for you in NZ, but here in the USA, meatloaf is basically a meat casserole. It often uses a combination of meats...
  3. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    Always good to meet (meat) an ally for the cause. I had a "Pear Burger" yesterday (burger with kale, bacon, and spiced pear slices) and it was scrumptious. The Loaf Lovers can have their cracker-and-oatmeal-molded monstrosities any day -- I'm happy with my one-way ticket to Burgerville. :cool:
  4. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    I saw in the old thread where the conversation stretched out over to g(houl)ash for a bit... Well, after all, it IS almost Halloween.
  5. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    ...of and mentioned in another thread: Reading this post made me laugh at how ridiculous an entire thread, with multiple pages, mostly about meatloaf, probably sounds! :LOL: But then again: Ah, so many friends from the past. WineRose was a young teen who used to hang out here every day...
  6. seoulsearch

    Welcome Everyone to the SF Mighty Mingle Part 3! Let's Talk about Coffee, Cat Cafes, and Greed! :D

    ...actually what I'm most curious to see, if those old threads are still accessible. I'm wondering if the person who thought it was terrible that we were spending so much time talking about meatloaf is still a regular poster, or if we just bored him/her to death and they wound up leaving! :ROFL:
  7. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    ...around in the Great Abyss of Threads Past,) I wonder if it will be the one in which I think there was someone utterly exasperated by the fact that we managed to have a multi-page thread jut about meatloaf. :ROFL: And... Looks like we're done fixin' to do it all over again!!! :geek::LOL::cool:
  8. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!, but it's also way past my price range, at least here in the US.) So I'm sure people would ask, "Why would you like burgers and not meatloaf?" I think the thing with burgers is that they're pretty straightforward. Ground beef, shaped into patties with some seasonings, and if I'm lucky...
  9. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club!

    Just to reassure everyone, all are still welcome here, and we still love our meatloaf-loving friends. You know the saying, "Hate the sin, love the sinner"? Well in this thread, we love the meatloafer, but just hate the meatloaf. :)
  10. seoulsearch

    Everyone Welcome Mingle #5: Sign Up Now to Join the Official Meatloaf Hater's Club! trade @Talljake for his Granny's baked goods... Which inevitably led to this conversation: Now it's a not-so-well guarded secret that meatloaf has long been one of THE most divisive topics here in the Singles Forum!! In fact, one of our long-time regulars has apparently been...
  11. seoulsearch

    Welcome Everyone to the SF Mighty Mingle Part 3! Let's Talk about Coffee, Cat Cafes, and Greed! :D

    Oh man, we've been had!!! JennyMae remembers our old threads about meatloaf! Quick, everyone scatter and run for cover!!!
  12. seoulsearch

    Welcome Everyone to the SF Mighty Mingle Part 3! Let's Talk about Coffee, Cat Cafes, and Greed! :D

    Hmm. A most important subject that just might warrant a future thread of its own.
  13. seoulsearch

    All-Are-Welcome Mingle #4 -- I Need Help Swindling, I Mean Trading, a CC Member for His Grandma's Baked Goods!

    Hey Everyone, Let's go on a secret mission! I'll take a break soon so people can catch up with other threads, but I had to post this one while the idea was still fresh! :) Jacob graciously gave his permission to allow me to use his stories as a target, er, I mean, topic, so here we go! In a...
  14. seoulsearch

    Welcome Everyone to the SF Mighty Mingle Part 3! Let's Talk about Coffee, Cat Cafes, and Greed! :D

    Well, we might disagree on you sharing your Grandma's baked goods, but at least you're somewhat flexible. :D And, apparently you don't like meatloaf, you get a thumbs up there! :LOL: However... I have to admit I'm not really a cook or a baker... And so I have to go back to the drawing board...
  15. seoulsearch


    10 points awarded to Ahwatukee for redeeming this thread after Post #124, The Great Meatloaf Heresy of 2021! The battle is fierce, ladies and gentlemen, and we must remain vigilant.
  16. seoulsearch


    Meatloaf isn't a controversy. It's just flat-out heresy; no questions asked; cue the mic drop now! Thank goodness Pipp was here to give you a proper verbal flogging. For the sake of your culinary sanctification, I sure hope you feel rightly chastised and are contemplating the many errors...
  17. seoulsearch

    Do you enjoy your singleness?

    Well look at that, I suddenly sense that the Lord is leading me to start fasting... :cool: In all seriousness, I understand (and agree) that singles who are happy being single should not necessarily be persuaded into trying to be part of a couple. After all, they are happy being single for a...
  18. seoulsearch


    For Pete's sake, smite isn't a condiment or side dish!!! Smite is the meatloaf that sinks to the bottom and never leaves, ever. Aren't people learning anything from this thread? 😖
  19. seoulsearch

    How Will We Decide Which 5 1/2 People Get to Eat Pizza at Mr.&Mrs. Oncefallen's House?

    Somehow, I'm thinking, "Welcome to The CC Singles Forum Meatloaf Party!!!" won't draw as big of a crowd... :unsure:
  20. seoulsearch

    Tommy, What Would You Do For Love?

    ...all have some good stories as to how they were able to win their beloved's heart. And yes, I know that any minute now, Lynx and/or Zero is going to post the classic Meatloaf song, "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That.") :D How about you? What will you, or won't you do--for love?