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  1. H

    Is casting Lots to be used today? What about the Fleece and the Urim and Thumim?

    The custom of deciding questions by lot is found in antiquity; both Jews and non - Jews would appeal to the Almighty through various lots to reach a decision. What they were not used for is to divine the future. The word lot Heb. goral, a "pebble"; hebel, "measuring line, portion"; Gr...
  2. H

    Do you walk past a homeless person and how would a Good Samaritan act living in this age?

    What do you feel about walking past a homeless person? Action or no action? This has sprung up some debate recently in a very real way within a group where I live. Some of us were trying to re-establish a homeless person who seemed able to accept help and obviously needed it but it provoked...
  3. H

    Which Chapter and Verse of the Scripture do you find hard to understand?

    There are many parts of the Scripture I have wrestled with in the past. I has taken a lot of study before I have gotten a clear picture in my mind and heart that resonate as the true meaning and I am sure that there isn't anyone who would boldly declare, they have all the answers in total. The...
  4. H

    Is a good conscience from the Holy Spirit?

    Is a good conscience from the Holy Spirit? If not, where is it from?
  5. H

    If all the world is a stage and we are all actors, are we tested on our "part"? The subject of Forgiveness.

    I would like to know what you all think of the subject of Forgiveness. It has been said that you should forgive your brother and even forgive your enemy, also to pray for them and even love them. I agree with all that and understand the "they do not know what they do" scripture. But how is it...
  6. H

    If all the worlds a stage and we are merely actors, is how we forgive "our part"?

    I would like to know what you all think of the subject of Forgiveness. It has been said that you should forgive your brother and even forgive your enemy, also to pray for them and even love them. I agree with all that and understand the "they do know what they do" scripture. But how is it that...
  7. H

    Seek and ye shall find

    Hello everyone. I have only just found this group and am glad to join. After looking for Bible Study groups in England, I have found it hard to meet anyone who actually wants to study the word in depth and if they do, despite good hearts, they skip the most important questions or are unable to...