Search results

  1. Elizabeth619

    Mass shooting at Tennessee Church. Please pray!

    Please pray for the victims and the shooter. The minister is my first cousin. He is in critical but stable condition. You never think something like this can happen to your own but it can. In the blink of an eye. 1 dead, 8 injured in ‘mass casualty’ shooting at Antioch church |...
  2. Elizabeth619

    Wildfires Destroy Gatlinburg, Tennessee

    14,000 evacuated from Gatlinburg; fires still burning Im about 4 hours from Gatlinburg but I've been trying to get in contact with many friends in that area. Some are safe. Some I haven't heard from. Just last April I was in Gatlinburg. Walked the tourist area, shopped in their shops and now...
  3. Elizabeth619

    Quitting Smoking

    For the past 13 years I've smoked about 2-3 packs a day. Last Friday(Feb 26) I smoked my last cigarette. To be honest, I haven't really been irritable til yesterday. According to those around me I'm easier to get along with but its hard. Very hard. The cravings are horrible. I'm going to stick...
  4. Elizabeth619

    Techno nerds needed. Home camera question

    Ok, I'm typing from my phone so I don't feel like writing a book so this will be short. I need info info on cameras to install on porches. There's been break ins and vandalism in my neighborhood and we have been victims of this. I can't afford to spend a load of money but I want to catch...
  5. Elizabeth619

    Church History-attendence, persecution, and power

    I want thoughts on this. Made great points. Are we repeating history again, and leading ourselves into a destruction? I know that I see many churches now remodeling and upgrading their buildings. Adding new instruments, more "hip" ways or worship and so on. Is this good or bad for the church? On...
  6. Elizabeth619

    What Do You Know About Demons? (article I found interesting)

    Came across this article on demons. Some may agree to it. Some may not. I did find it interesting. Anyone have thoughts on this? Please give scriptural references. What Do You Know About Demons? by Wayne Jackson...
  7. Elizabeth619

    Funeral Processions

    I was just in town and saw a funeral procession pass by. Here in Tennessee when we see a funeral procession it is led by a police car and other officers block traffic to let the procession pass by. One thing that onlookers are expected to do is pull over and let them pass. If you refuse to do so...
  8. Elizabeth619

    "Star of Bethlehem" Can Be Seen Tonight

    If you look west tonight you will see Jupiter and Venus converge to where it will look like a giant star that some say could be the star of Bethlehem the wise men followed to see baby Jesus. Whether or not this is the actual celestial event the Magi saw that night over 2000 years ago it will...
  9. Elizabeth619

    Mental Illness: Sin or an Exception to the rule?

    I was just in a thread that was discussing mental illness and this question came to mind. I will first state that I was recently diagnosed with severe depression, and anxiety. I also take medication for this as well as counseling. So I am going to be the first person to put myself in this...
  10. Elizabeth619

    Quick, Cheap, and Easy Gift Ideas

    Due to the highly sensitive opinions on those on CC about the holidays we will not consider these gift ideas as "Christmas gifts" but just your everyday gifts you might want to give others for any special occasion. In other words do not turn this into a stinking debate. It's stricty a gift idea...
  11. Elizabeth619

    Stuck in multiple chat rooms

    Me and several other people are stuck in more than one chat room. And apparently the current moderator on chat is stuck too bc we cant communicate with him. I am stuck in the lounge and the bible study. I am sure chatters are missing my awesome personality so can yall get this fixed? lol
  12. Elizabeth619

    Sarah Palin Warned in 2008 Russia Might Invade Ukraine if Obama Wins Election

    In October 2008, then-Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin warned that Putin, having been motivated by Obama's lack of response to the Russian invasion of Georgia, would proceed to invade Ukraine if then-Senator Obama was elected to the presidency. After the Russian Army invaded the nation of...
  13. Elizabeth619

    NY Governor Cuomo: ‘Extreme Conservatives Have No Place In New York’

    Governor Cuomo: ‘Extreme Conservatives Have No Place In New York’ - The Daily Beast The NY Governor has set off a right-wing firestorm, standing accused of seeking to stifle free speech and political plurality. The freak upshot: Donald Trump may run for President. By most measures, New York is...
  14. Elizabeth619

    Is Global Warming Supported by the Bible?

    Since Al Gore invented the internet there has been an increased scare in global warming. Is it possible? Is it biblical? Thoughts? Please list passages to support your argument. Here is one article on it that I tend to agree with. Question: "How should a Christian view global warming?"...
  15. Elizabeth619

    The Most Misunderstood Passages in the Bible

    I was going to put this in my own words, but I found a link that explains it SOOOOO much better. Pretty interesting stuff. Reasons To Believe : A Look at 10 (or so) Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses There are 4 factors we should consider when reading the bible. Understand the author’s...
  16. Elizabeth619

    Acts 1:11; What Does this Passage Mean to You?

    Beginning at verse 7... 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and...
  17. Elizabeth619

    Pedophiles Wanting Same Rights as Homosexuals

    I do remember around a year ago getting into a discussion with a liberal member on here how homosexual marriage/rights could easily open the door for sex offenders to want the same rights. I was told I was insane to think such a thing would happen. Well, it seems it is happening. Some...
  18. Elizabeth619

    Strip Club and Bar Ministry....

    I didn't know what forum to put this in, but I would like to see scripture that supports and opposes this. Anyway, I have a cousin who lives in Nashville, Tennessee and attends a congregation that apparently has a ministry for bars and strip clubs. What floored me even more was this is a...
  19. Elizabeth619

    The Origin of the Wedding Ring. Some of you ain't gonna like dis...

    Since there is yet another abundance of "pagan" Holiday threads, and how Halloween, Easter, Christmas...ect is considered a sin in many members here then I think we need to touch on something I have mentioned over and over and over again, but little is said about it. It seems to be just looked...
  20. Elizabeth619

    Charitable Hospitals will be Fined Under Obamacare

    Fed up with Obamacare yet? Charitable Hospitals To Be Fined Under Obamacare | Acton PowerBlog A new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, which takes effect under Obamacare, sets new standards of review and installs new financial penalties for tax-exempt charitable hospitals...