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  1. Radius

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    it's so cringe when post tribbers say true born again Christians will fall away or defect from the faith if there's no pre trib rapture. I speak for each and every one of us pre tribbers. We will be shocked, no doubt...there will be a few days of re-calibrating but we will be ready to go...
  2. Radius


    Im praying for you brother, next week is a good time to go in the rapture. Many things lining up
  3. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Ok we're getting off track here. That is why I put the "marriage" covenant in quotations. On Shavuot, God was basically asking them if they would be His people. In Ex. 19 we read this: "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured...
  4. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Not sure about that one.
  5. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    and besides, the typology is 3000 dead on the 9th of Av and 3000 saved at Pentecost at new wine.
  6. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    I wonder why. There was going to be one and it was going to coincide with the feast of wine. Moses was coming down with the "ketubah" but they already committed spiritual adultery with the golden calf while he was on the mountain. The wedding was OFF, giving birth to the 9th of Av.
  7. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Is this your response to everything I wrote? Why don't you try again addressing my points. Read carefully, please.
  8. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Here resident Alien. Learn something new:
  9. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    so you go on a witch hunt to fulfill your confirmation bias and take what Mr. Nettles says as gospel while shunning Dr. Barry Awe's research and without doing a hint of your own. Great!
  10. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Look at my last post. Dead Sea Scrolls NOT even mentioned or needed. The DSS are only there to verify what is written in the Bible.
  11. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Brother, you are referring to the first 50 days after passover when God descends and gave the law and the people were screaming don't let God talk to us, you (Moses) go up and talk to him. There is NO stone tablet in Ex. 19 that you showed. NONE! That is Shavuot. 15th Day of the 3rd Month...
  12. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    If we accept New Wine is 50 days after Shavuot, we can now piece together that Pentecost was also NOT on Shavuot, but rather at the time of New Wine. Scripture proves it. Read on. The men in the upper room in Acts 2 were accused of being "drunk on New Wine." The Holy Spirit was poured out...
  13. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Bingo! When Moses came down with the tablets, God was essentially going to "marry" the Israelites. Moses first came down and asked them if they would be a Holy people unto the LORD (In Exodus 19, God proposes a covenant with the Israelites, asking them to be a "kingdom of priests and a holy...
  14. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    I don't see many parallels of Shavuot to Acts 2 Pentecost, sorry. Feel free to explain how you do, though.
  15. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    First off, thank you for taking the time to watch the video, I thought he makes things interesting so I hope it wasn't too much a chore. But he lays it out better than I can. You answered your questions for number 1, so we'll move on in order: I believe he was suggesting just the word "wine"...
  16. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Doesn't it seem more weird that God would choose First Fruits to pour out His Spirit in the upper room? Makes no sense to me. Shavuot is all about the first of the wheat. And given the description in Leviticus 23:15-21 it is all about presentations and offerings to God: "Wave two...
  17. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    I was hoping someone had a desire to discuss these things? Anyone?
  18. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    waiting for a rebuttal for the points made in the video....i'll be long gone before that happens though, I already know it.
  19. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    It doesn't make me feel better. But I thought iron sharpening iron was what Christians should do. Now, are you iron?
  20. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    You are already part of the discussion and one of the ones who reject new knowledge. You will be brought up if need be.