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    Is Christmas paganism?

    Christmas brings people together, It often brings out the good in people..... And also it more recent years it can bring out the bad in people... Its like a gun, in of themselves guns are nether good nor bad.. The actions of the person behind the gun determine if its being used for good or bad...
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    Is Christmas paganism?

    To address the original question here. Christianity has adopted alot of are traditions from paganism in part to try and be appealing to those groups... Yes Christmas and alot of things about it take it orgins from pagan tradition but why should that matter.... I personally don't believe Christ...
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    Faith or Love

    So on the way home from church this evening me and my cousin were discussing faith and love, and which one was more important... Now clearly they are both very important and you need both of them, it was just an interesting discussion.. What are yall's thoughts.
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    Would you rather, end times

    Anyone with even a base understanding of the bible should be able to tell we are approaching the end times. The sign's are everywhere... The other day I was presented an interesting question and would like your opinion on it. The question was "Would you rather be raptured with the church, or...
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    Need some guidance.

    OK people so I know something that's suppose to be a secrete, the kind of secrete that can get people in trouble if it gets out before its suppose to... However i also know someone who is hurting and the information want make the pain go away but it may help them to know something.. But I don't...
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    So just curious who you guys plan on voting for, out of who's left I'd have to say I like Rubio the best.. However I don't know if he has the momentum to beat clinton, so despite his obvious character flaws and my distrust of him I may end up voting trump..
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    Is it possible

    Would it be possible to start a forum were instead of atheist being banned complelty they could just be moved to an locked in that forum.. That way members who didn't want to deal with there negative post wouldn't have to deal with it, but people with the patience to deal with them could keep...
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    how does this site

    I saw a post a few min ago about being gettin there way back in after bein banned just curious how does the site keep people from just creatin a new account.
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    you sinneth not

    So ive heard this alot that if you know not your sinning than its not a sin but ive yet to actually find it in scripture abywhere.... does anyone know where this comes from?
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    amish mafia

    So i just heard about this show called amish mafia and im like serisoly? What do they do commet drive bys with a horse an bugy? The amish in general is a christian group an i think theyd be horrified by even such an idea an exspecialy about making a tv show about if sence one of the big things...
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    mercy killing

    So watchin this show an they brought up mercy killing or assisted suicide... basically like if someone was gonna die anyway an was in extreme agonising pain killing them to put them out of there pain.... what do yall think about this an does the bible say anything about it?
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    just so you know

    Gettin stung mutiple times by yellow jackets not fun.. ouch
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    driver licens

    Finally got an appointment to take my driver test on august 8th please pray for me guys.
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    what defines a christian

    The way i see it a christian is someone who belives jesus christ is the son of God who came an died for there sins an has a relationship with him.. would you not agree?? Christ says he is the way to the father... he dosent say me + not beliving this or not reading that no he simply says he is...
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    best translation

    I use to have esword on my old labtop had a bunch of translations of the bible id always read scripture from all of them to see if they lined... i dont have the program anymore an i ussaly just use my kjv study bible im not kjv only but i do personally like the kjv translation but what other...
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    whered they come from?

    We know God created Adam an eve an they had cain an abel then cain killed abel an then ended up leaving then it says he had a wife an they bore children.. but where did the wife come from had God created other people that it dosent mention?
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    order of events in genesis

    I went back to Genesis to read over an noticed a few things with the order that confuse me a bit for example in genesis 1:20-21 it talks about God creating the creaters in the waters an the fowls of the air before the creation of man but then in genesis 2:19 it talks about God froming beast of...
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    fav older songs

    Mine are long black train an jesse taylor.
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    was it the word

    Gooooodearlymorning... an Godbless... my question is was it someone preaching Gods word to you that led you to christ or was it something else.... in my personal experiance it was seeing the love of God in others that led me to give my life to christ an then start studying the word.
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    whats yalls fav church signs?

    Mine is... forgive your enemys itll mess with there minds lol.