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  1. stefen

    Political stability in India

    Hello Dear Indian Friends, I am very keen into looking after political changes in India, where there was drastic changes in past 3 years in India. It started with Previous govt's series of corruption, Nirbhaya issue. Then IAC movement started, AAP was hyped above BJP. After dissolving of Delhi...
  2. stefen

    Am i Hindu??

    Hi, Long ago, around in 2003, i read a street tract about this subject. How do this religion got this name as Hinduism?? how we Indians became Hindus?? Who gave this name to us?? Is there anything mentioned like this in vedas or so called Hindus scriptures?? But nothing mentioned as HINDU in...
  3. stefen

    God melts people hearts

    Yeah. As we read it in Exodus, God have changed Pharoh's mind as per His wish, He can do that now too, as per His children prayers and for our good selves. At my work place, I have faced several issues, But God showed ways to get away from all those. In that, one issue was, our company have to...
  4. stefen

    Beggars in India

    Hi, I think this is the issue faced by general public here. Beggars in India must be increasing day by day. a foreigner shared the below: "A stream of people shuffle by asking for money, moving their hands back and forth to their mouth in a universal gesture:I’m hungry. Food please. An old man...
  5. stefen

    My Life with Christ

    Dear Friends, By seeing my profile you could understand that i am an Indian where majority are Hindus. My family was one of them and belongs to farmers caste (which is dominated caste in South India). All of our grand fathers and our relatives were Crazy in their own religion. I am only one son...
  6. stefen

    My Life with Christ 2

    Dear Friends, As i posted earlier, My Parents converted from Hindus to Christ when i was young and suffering with disease. After i am healed, My mom have made me to join in a local private school. I was studying well and wont miss 1st 5 places in my studies competition. once i finished...
  7. stefen

    My Life with Christ

    Dear Friends, By seeing my profile you could understand that i am an Indian where majority are Hindus. My family was one of them and belongs to farmers caste (which is dominated caste in South India). All of our grand fathers and our relatives were Crazy in their own religion. I am only one son...
  8. stefen

    Hi, New here

    Hi All..! How are you..! Hope all are fine by the Amazing grace of God. Myself Stephen, I am here to take advices, learning more about God and sharing my thoughts and ideas on scriptures. Me and my family became Christians about 24 years back and God blessed and still blessing us. Thanks.