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    Is Catholicism the Oldest Christian Faith?

    Why do people stray from it if it were the original Christian doctrine? How does one know one's Christian walk is true with thousands of Christian sects each purporting to be the truth and damning other sects to hell? Why do we put so much faith in our own opinions and call it God's opinion...
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    How Do You Use the Bible to Live More Fully?

    If you had to use the Bible to live your life to the fullest, how would you do that?
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    Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart, rather than let them go right away?

    Wouldn't it have been easier to just let them go on their way right away? Why did He choose to keep hardening Pharaoh's heart?
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    Were the Israelites always a holy people or did it happen in Egypt? Why?

    Why did God choose the Israelites to become holy?
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    What Happened to Joseph's Family After Joseph Died?

    Curious what happened to Joseph's family after Joseph died? Did the family continue to prosper in Egypt, or did they become slaves with the other Israelites?
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    Moses Story Question: Did Pharaoh Become Christian?

    After witnessing so many miracles and acts against him for refusing to let the Israelites go, did Pharaoh become a Christian after?