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  1. AllenW

    Caitlyn(?) Jenner Back in the News.

    Not knowing what to do with their time, the world news goes back to Caitlyn (?) Jenner. This lovely lady (?) of the world has become a grandmother (?) for the 7th time. Does the world realize that just mentioning her (?) name is also mentioning that there is a God?
  2. AllenW

    Name It and Claim It

    One thing that really bothers me is when a Christian comes up to me and says, "you haven't been healed because you lack faith". Boy, does that get me. After they say it they put a pert, smug smile on their face because they feel no pain and you do. You see, we have to claim our health and wealth...
  3. AllenW

    How are you doing today?

    Here's a war veteran in Boston. This is how he is doing today.
  4. AllenW

    Favorite Christmas Sings

    Join in and share your favorites
  5. AllenW

    How to become Pope
  6. AllenW

    Sunday Morning Church Music From Around the World
  7. AllenW

    The pickle juice factor

    Now they say pickle juice is good for you. Don't throw away the juice when the pickles are gone. Drink it. Of course, just drink a little at a time or it may sour your stomach. They say it may have 101 remedies. May even improve your I.Q. Try it.
  8. AllenW


    There is a fake Ralph going around. I would know. Ralph wrote this scene from the movie for Anton. It reflects his personality and toughness. This is truly the real Ralph. Look for him in the coming days ahead of us.....
  9. AllenW

    Connor MacLeod

    There is a mystery shrouded around the life of Connor MacLeod, of the clan MacLeod, of Scotland. Fame and fortune followed him everywhere for what seems like forever. If you want the history ask me. If you want the myth, ask Wrigley. If you want intimate details, talk to Ralph. Or you can just...
  10. AllenW

    Living in Christ

    Philippians 1:21; "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain". To die is gain. Yes, dying and going to heaven is the desire of all of us. But to live is Christ. Does anyone know how to explain this? How to live it? Why it is important? The words elude me.
  11. AllenW

    Jesus is God

    Jesus is God. He's God all the way through and through. God. God. God. You can call Him human, you can call Him Spirit. You can say He walks through walls and disappears up in the sky. You can say all kinds of things about Jesus, but just remember. He is; God. God. God.
  12. AllenW

    Happy St. Anna and St James Day!

    Today we celebrate St. Anna and St. James, the parents of Marry the mother of Jesus, his grandparents. There's mostly like a mass of celebration at every catholic church today. Does anyone have a Bible verse for that? Please, no catholic haters, how much can one take?
  13. AllenW

    Favourite Colours

    Who has a favorite colour they like to share. My favorite colour is orange.
  14. AllenW

  15. AllenW

    Jesus is coming
  16. AllenW

    AllenW's Online Christian Cafe for Men!

    Breakfast menu: Steak and potatoes, one scotch, one bourbon, and one beer!
  17. AllenW

    Chuck and Bob
  18. AllenW


    Once upon a time, way in the distant past, beyond many Galaxies from here, I came up with a thread called soulmates. Soulmates? Friend? Lover? What is a soulmate to you? Do you have a soulmate? Please share for all of us.
  19. AllenW


    Ralph is a guy I know. He said he joined the forum but I haven't seen him yet. Ralph has a cat and a few friends, some of which are on this forum. Ralph is a builder. A builder of homes. A builder of buildings. A builder of cities. Ralph likes heights. He built a home, one of his getaways on the...
  20. AllenW

    Many Countries