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  1. J

    " God in us "

    I say to you walk humbly in the shadow of God's love for there is no one greater then He. He who shed His sweat, tears and blood for the good of all mankind. Jesus Christ, Saviour divine, the inspiration for peace, love and joy for all who call Him Father. Seek the humanity of life...
  2. J

    God Among Us

    My child of My Jesus Christ Son of the most high say unto ye, what have thou gained if thou does not believe in thy heart and soul that which I have taught thee. I have called upon thee often My child, at thy door and at times thou has forsaken Me for the pleasures and...
  3. J

    " A Child of Gods "

    This is a true story, a miracle. A true testament that not only does God reign over man, but His love conquerors all. Man at times gives up on itself, but God doesn't. This is a unfolding of real life event, unfolding in real time. There was a family of a three year old little boy who lived...
  4. J

    " God Among Us "

    My child, I have given thee the power of discernment and knowledge of understanding through the word. I Jesus Christ, Son of the most high am with thee, yet many choose to walk alone. Many My child, walk in darkness and a plight of sorrow and pain, aimlessly wandering. Aimlessly...
  5. J

    " The Great I am "

    My child, I have given thee the power of discernment and knowledge of understanding through the word. I Jesus Christ, Son of the most high am with thee, yet many choose to walk alone. Many My child, walk in darkness and a plight of sorrow and pain, aimlessly wandering. Aimlessly...
  6. J

    " God Lives "

    He who is in me and who resides in me,is most Holy. He is one in spirit. He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. He is man made flesh and His love and affection abounds within me. He talks with me. He shares great stories of wisdom and kindness to me. What He shares with me...