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  1. C

    Not Concentrating So Much on the Future

    Hello Everyone, God is always teaching me something about myself that I need to change: I need to realize that the future things, which are the secret things, belong to the Lord. And when I try to figure out the future, I am grasping at things that are God's. Worrying(Matt. 6) or trying to...
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    Here are my thoughts on self-pity that I would like to share: I need to be on guard against self-pity. I need to realize that it is much harder to get out of having self-pity when dealing with it than keeping a safe distance from it. Here are the ways to protect oneself from self-pity: Be...
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    Lord, Sometimes the challenges of life cause me to feel like I'm living from one emergency to the next. I know it's not Your will for me to be exhausted, emotionally frazzled, or defeated. Help me face my challenge by looking in the only place where real answers are found-Your Word. I'm...
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    Tips on Humility

    Here are some tips on humility that everyone (including myself) should follow: Assess yourself honestly-Romans 12:3 Don't take success too seriously-Deut 8:13-18, Ecclesiastes 5:15 Celebrate the significance of others-Philippians 2:3-4 Don't demand your own parking space. Don't demand...
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    Spiritual Gifts

    Just bought two books from Lifeway Store and can't wait to read them! They are both books on prayer and I would like to grow more in this area especially since I've found out that it was one of my spiritual gifts. In fact, I had done a spiritual gifts test last year and found out that my top...
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    How To Know God's Will For Your Life

    I just wanted to share with you all something that I had learned by listening to a sermon online: Here is how to know God's will for your life: Your concept of who God is becomes the most important part in terms of hearing God. Having a distorted view of God causes one to not hear from...
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    Who Is the Boss?

    Challenge: I need to be aware that God is the boss everyday of my life. He orchestrates the events of my life, regardless of the plans that I make for myself.
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    Bible Studies

    Does anybody do bible studies from here for Singles by Skype or some online meeting?
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    Hello, My name is Courtney Sanders and I am looking for studies that will help me to continue to strengthen my relationship with God. One of my biggest frustrations right now is finding a quiet place where I can hear God's voice(quiet whisper or via Scripture) with no distractions. I am also...