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  1. A

    Should I do it.

    I really wanna cut my hair off super short. I have never been confidant enough to do it before but finally wanna go through with it. However my husband likes my hair long. I asked him if it would be ok for me to cut and of course he said he wouldn’t like that. I want to respect him but also...
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    Need help quick!

    My marriage is in trouble, and pretty much always has been. I had made a thread earlier about it. Iv been in an on going battle for 4 days now and Iv threatened to leave. Every time I threaten to leave he says he is gonna kill himself. I honestly in some ways feel like he would. I can admit that...
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    Trouble in my marriage

    My husband and I have always had a rocky marriage about 3 months into our marriage. I will take blame where blame is do. I started a lot of problems when we’re dating as far as I would threaten to break up with him so he would beg for me back and I always wanted my way. I wasn’t always the best...
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    Worried about my baby

    Hello everyone, First I would just like to say that once was a Christian but have gave up on a lot of things like not going to church hardly ever now, never really reading my bible and not feeling as guilty anymore when I do sinful things. I have even said before to my husband that I believe I...