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  1. ToastAndTea

    Moses - The Accuser

    Not really intended to be a major topic for discussion but something I read recently in the book of John. In chapter 5 Jesus has just healed the man by the pool of Bethesda. The Pharisees accused Jesus of breaking Sabbath laws and questioned both his testimony and his authority to do such...
  2. ToastAndTea

    Cults and families

    Thought I'd start a thread for people to share their experiences coming out of various religious groupings or cults over the years. What have you learned? What were your experiences? What would you do to warn others to stay off the wrong path? I'd like to hear everyone's stories (even if you...
  3. ToastAndTea

    What is Hell?

    An often talked about topic, and a much understood one. The fate awaiting unsaved humans after they die has been the subject of much debate and discussion. It is my wish to make use of scripture to see what the Bible says about this place. For believers, it should not be a subject of concern to...
  4. ToastAndTea

    The Mahdi is the Antichrist

    This is an interesting link which goes into great detail into who the man of lawlessness might be. For those interested in our eschatology, it might be of help to you. I would encourage everyone to watch it.
  5. ToastAndTea

    The narrow road

    I have some questions about this verse in Matthew 7. Why is the way to Christ narrow? Why are there few that find it? Why is the broader and easier way so well travelled? On a practical level, how can a young person walk on this narrow road? Does it involved forsaking all old worldly pursuits...
  6. ToastAndTea

    I'm about to embark on a fast....

    I know the Bible says we're not supposed to announce when we fast as it should be a private and personal thing. But I have been struggling with some spiritual issues for a very long time and I believe God has told me I need to fast for a specific amount of time. I'd like to ask for prayer over...
  7. ToastAndTea

    Raising of hands in the church

    Is this a Biblical practice? Why do we do it? What are the origins of it? Within this, I'm also interested in the origins of various other kinds of worship "practices" we do in the church such as clapping of hands, etc. Thought I'd share a story here, from my childhood. When I was a youngster...
  8. ToastAndTea


    With the world increasingly moving towards an online community, much of our relational activity is done through social media and online. For those who don't know, ghosting is when you have a relationship with someone over the internet (or any form of communication over an extended period of...
  9. ToastAndTea

    First date scenarios

    What would your ideal first date be (if you've never been on a date before), or even if you have, what is the perfect situation for you? For me it involves sunsets, Spanish guitar (my favorite), campfires, open spaces and nothing but stars for company. What do you reckon?
  10. ToastAndTea

    Needed some cheering up

    One of my favorite YouTube artists, a lady by the name of Lizzy (Sassesnacks) passed away on April 10. I am devastated. Can anyone cheer me up? Second person I have lost to cancer in 3 years. Just a horrible experience all round. She was a believer. I am still trying to come to terms with it.
  11. ToastAndTea

    Seeking God with all your heart

    Is it possible to do this? What does it mean, practically? What are some practical steps we do to show God that we mean business with Him?
  12. ToastAndTea

    Does God expect us to be ready?

    ... Before bringing us a prospective marriage partner? I have often felt that God is purposely witholding people from my life because I'm not as financially secure as I should be, or maybe not emotionally ready? But I don't know if I will ever be at the point I need to be in order to receive or...
  13. ToastAndTea

    Christian Songs from a Bygone Era

    I wanted to share some old and classic favorites from (not too long ago). I find this music ushers in the presence of God like nothing else. I hope it blesses your heart. I remember hearing this music when I was a child and being in awe of it.
  14. ToastAndTea

    Specific pastors you listen to or respect

    I'm just curious to know who listens to Paul Washer on here? I've recently been interested in his views on scripture (as well as those of J MacArthur and RC Sproul). I don't consider myself a Calvinist at all but I admire these men for their stand on scripture and how they always take you back...
  15. ToastAndTea

    Some news....

    I wanted to share this story of something I've been going through recently. I have been a born-again believer for a while. But I have the tendency to get off track with God when things are going good. I'd been out of touch with God for a while, couple of years. But for a couple of months now...
  16. ToastAndTea

    Lack of Love for God

    Been feeling flat recently and wondering where my "first love" has gone? I know that the Bible says that anyone who loves the world does not have the love of the Father in him. But the question is, how to get that love back again? I pray everyday that God will restore it. And yet I find myself...
  17. ToastAndTea

    Wanted to post some Christian music from South Africa

    These are some of the newest songs to come out of the live concerts in South Africa. This comes from a group called Worship Central South Africa. Hope it blesses your heart. Translation of the words: Your love is alive and your kingdom is alive. 2
  18. ToastAndTea

    Audrey Assad

    Anyone heard of her? Born-again believer with Syrian roots. Amazing voice. Check her out if you haven't already.
  19. ToastAndTea

    Is there is a direct Bible verse that deals with the issue of church-hopping?

    Having this interesting discussion and would really like to know if there's a specific verse in the Bible that addresses this issue. Also, is this spiritually healthy and should one engaged in visiting other churches regularly or should one remain committed to one part of the body? What are...
  20. ToastAndTea


    Greetings fellow believers Been hanging around here a while so I thought it was time to make a new account... A few random facts about me: I am from South Africa. I work in web design I have a missions background Family was caught up in JW but are free of it now. I'm currently studying for a...