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    Tips for Living With Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Psychologists have recently discovered a new mental disorder. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). But what is it, and how do you know if you have it? Most importantly, how do you treat the illness? Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental disorder characterized by an irrational...
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    Vanuatu, Baby

    Lying in a hammock between sideways palm trees Watching lil' pumpkin fashion sand cakes with her shovel Momma in the villa getting all our clothes unpacked Feeding dirty diapers to the trash can in the back Vanuatu, baby an island made of sand Vanuatu, baby where we all walk hand-in-hand...
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    Are We Using Epesians 2:8-9 As An Excuse to Do Nothing?

    For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Eph. 2:8-9 It is clear that Paul assures us we cannot be saved by doing anything on our own. It is only by God's grace that we have the free...
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    Who Should Go, and Make Disciples?

    Who should do the discipling, only God, or should we as Christians have a hand in it?
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    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    I realize this is a very similar thread started in the family forum, but I wanted to get the opinion of those who may study the Bible on a higher level. Thanks in advance for your answers.
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    What is the Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    In your own words, and with the backing of scripture, what do you see as the difference between a convert and a disciple of Christ? Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses.
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    Church Culture and Covid-19

    There are so many changes being implemented by the U.S. society due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are just a few: 1. Medical staff are wearing personal protective equipment(PPE) Shouldn't they have been doing this even before the discovery of the Coronavirus? Why did it take so long for...
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    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    It happens every third Sunday. Most pastors in the U.S. will get behind the podium, shaking their fists, railing against the forces behind socialism in America. They lament about the demise of our society and how the Democrats are ruining the American way of life. The candidates for president...
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    A Heartfelt Letter From Your Pastor

    Dear Members of the Church, It has come to the attention of the staff that our attendance is down. This is because we are in the end times. Satan has made his presence felt in the U.S. and elsewhere. Young people are leaving the church in droves. They are the new Millennials who haven’t had...
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    How Would You Explain Christianity?

    I was in the breakroom at work the other day. I overheard two young co-workers discussing who they thought Jesus was. The words coming out of their mouths were astonishing. It was as if they were raised in the amazon rain forest! It would have been comical if it weren't for the stakes being so...
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    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Imagine witnessing a young couple getting married in 2020; the bride in her beautiful wedding dress, and the nervous young man in his tuxedo. The backdrop is a stained glass window in the church where they grew up together. The preacher opens his Bible, and begins the marriage ceremony: “We are...
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    Is It Still Okay To Talk About God In Church?

    There is an enormous disconnect between what believers should say during a church service and what is actually said. For example, a new couple may wander into the sanctuary for the first time and be greeted by the pastor with two questions; the first is usually, “So, where are you both from?”...
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    A Journey to Sychar

    A Journey to Sychar Standing alongside you Dear sister at the well running dry A native and A traveler likewise in our guilt Standing alongside you Dear sister as he tells us who he is The source of Living water the Messiah for all Standing alongside you Dear sister proclaiming the Good...
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    At The Brackish Water

    At The Brackish Water He came to me one day At the pond of brackish water My twelve year old frame Sprawled out, fully extended A tenebrous state For a spry little youngster He asked of my desire The Savior, my Savior My 12 year old eyes Remained opaque, wretched lineage! Lord, I can’t...
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    So, What Do You Do For A Living?

    A new town, a new church Danny and his wife Mia had just moved from a large city to a small, affluent suburban town. Danny had just received a promotion to warehouse manager, but agreed to move to a new city and state in order to accept the job. Mia acquiesced to the idea of finishing her...
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    Repent, Repent, Repent...Da-Da-Da-Da-Da, RAHPENT!

    I was on my way home from a long day at work last night and turned on the Christian radio station. I usually enjoy listening to a variety of radio preachers with their many different styles of getting God’s word out. But I often get a hold of a preacher who can’t seem to keep his foot out of his...
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    The $300 Million Church

    The online Christian news magazine Christian Today released a very interesting story on Monday. They reported the New Creation Church in Singapore had recently purchased a shopping mall worth over $300 million. The mega-church, which has as it’s pastor Joseph Prince, purchased the enormous...
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    Top 6 Ways Pastors Keep Their Sheep At Bay

    The Lord’s message came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them—to the shepherds: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not shepherds feed the flock? 3 You eat the fat, you...
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    May God Richly Bless You and Your Family

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Eph. 1:3 If you don't feel blessed this week, take a moment and make a long list of what you have now and are grateful for. I will do the same. If you post...
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    The Service-Outside-The-Walls Challenge

    I am offering a challenge to those on this forum: I challenge you to serve at least 1 hour this week to those outside the four walls of your church. I know many of you are ushers and pastors and children's group leaders and church kitchen helpers, etc. You may think you're "too busy already."...