Search results

  1. Proverbs467

    Urgent need to find place to live

    Grateful you have a place to live, even if it's not what you prefer. Everything in life is temporary so you will have something different in God's time. Prayers to you.
  2. Proverbs467

    Prayer for my job

    Praying that God gives you wisdom and comfort.
  3. Proverbs467

    Prayers Needed

    Everything is a whirlwind right now. Do what you have to do and do your best to help others. The rest will come later. Praying for you.
  4. Proverbs467

    Politics is a joke! Post your favorite political cartoons and jokes (no pun intended :P)
  5. Proverbs467


  6. Proverbs467

    What is the purpose of marriage biblically?

    Dennis Prager explains God's will in life and marriage...
  7. Proverbs467

    Can one be a Christian at birth ?

    NO. Impossible.
  8. Proverbs467


    Welcome! Hope you find some warm fellowship here!
  9. Proverbs467

    Research to support traditional marriage

    I have found Dennis Prager's series on the 10 commandments to be very helpful. The entire presentation takes an hour and is available here... dennis prager 10 commandments
  10. Proverbs467

    Deleting Facebook?

    I have maybe 8 to 10 friends on Face Book that I haven't seen in 20+ years, just to keep up. If I can see you face to face, I don't "friend" you.
  11. Proverbs467

    My Family

    There isn't enough information here for me to give advice and I am not sure what the problem is, if any. You imply that you have declined offers to attend the same church as your family but you don't state why. I attend church to have fellowship with other believers.
  12. Proverbs467

    Is God your best friend?

    God, through His son Jesus Christ, is my Lord and savior. My wife is my best friend. :)
  13. Proverbs467

    How to come out to family

    I will pray for you and the many others in your situation, who are finding salvation through Christ. I cannot give you advice since I have never been in your situation. I do suggest you read about and follow the teaching and advice from Nabeel Quershi, available at his website and on You Tube.
  14. Proverbs467

    Coffee with married coworker?

    People have a tendency to gossip. Enough said...
  15. Proverbs467

    can you guys post something funny please?

    This is from the Babylon Bee satirical web...
  16. Proverbs467

    Prayer Request

    Praying for God's will to be done for you.
  17. Proverbs467

    House Prayer

    This may be a test for your patience. There is a lot of hoop jumping when it comes to buying or selling a home. I pray the God calms your concerns and rest assured that His will be done. Praying for you.
  18. Proverbs467

    Please pray for my marriage and clarity

    Praying for you! There are multiple forms of abuse...physical, psychological and emotional. No one should live in fear of their spouse, Christians or anyone. If you are afraid, leave. Seek help from a shelter, pastor or family. No one should live like this.
  19. Proverbs467

    Are there modern-day apostles of Christ?

    Interesting forum with very good responses. Speaking for myself, I am a 65 year old child of God.
  20. Proverbs467


    Hello everyone! i just joined Christian Chat for on line fellowship, sharing my faith and continued growth. All are welcomed to comment or contacting me but please limit politics...I have ONE God and political ideology is not the one. Thanks for understanding.:)