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  1. peachflower

    Why believe the bible?

    Dear Blade, I too believe in Jesus Christ. He is The only Way, The Truth and The Life, only we can have our sins forgiven through Jesus and we are cleansed by His precious blood.
  2. peachflower

    What are you listening to?

    Thankyou for this it is very helpful.
  3. peachflower

    What are you listening to?

    I don't know how to copy and paste the music i would like you to listen to King and Country " Burning ships!
  4. peachflower

    What are you listening to?

    I like King and country and listen to burning ships
  5. peachflower

    What are you listening to?

    i like this song its very encouraging
  6. peachflower

    Hello, how are you?

    Take care i will enjoy here and hope you will too
  7. peachflower

    Hello, how are you?

    Hi nice to see you EliBeth i am from the UK and its good to see ya here
  8. peachflower

    New Guy

    Hello and how are you? Welcome to Christian Chat may you be blessed
  9. peachflower

    Hey there, welcome to Christian chat i been here a week and i love it here. God bless you!

    Hey there, welcome to Christian chat i been here a week and i love it here. God bless you!
  10. peachflower


    Thankyou so much and may God's love fill you with all radiance
  11. peachflower


    Oh LORD you are my Hiding place, You bring radiance upon my face. Sweetest LORD Your amazing grace has lifted me up from my darkest place. You came to save me and those who are lost, You paid the price whatever the cost You rescued me gave new life to me, saved me for all eternity Wherever I go...
  12. peachflower


  13. peachflower


    dear Sunset Hi and blessings to you. May you have true joy and knowledge in being here
  14. peachflower

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I like that verse i should live it out and i do like the photograph of who needs a baby sitter
  15. peachflower

    Hi its nice to meet you how are you?

    Hi its nice to meet you how are you?
  16. peachflower

    Greetings to all!

    Welcome to you Vagabond
  17. peachflower

    Hello, how are you?

    Thanks for the welcome i'm glad to be here and God bless you too