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  1. alistaircook

    Daily Exhortation

    I had a small thought on 1 Timothy 2 V 1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. I just...
  2. alistaircook

    Unpopular Opinion (Tim Conway and some other popular Calvinistic preachers)

    I recently came out of a spiritual depression, and it led me to think about what caused me to fall into that state and what helped me get out. I think many other Christians suffer from the same problem, so I've wrote this post to help them. May the Lord bless this to all who read, God bless :)...
  3. alistaircook

    Not doing enough to seek God comparing myself

    Watch from 28:30 onward , I think this will really be a blessing to you, hes talking about Romans 1:5. :)
  4. alistaircook

    Not doing enough to seek God comparing myself

    I agree with the guy above. I'm not sure if it'll be of any use to you, but I made a long post on When a broken heart turns you gay, your case seems similar to what I experienced a few weeks ago. Your not alone in this sort of stuff. Psalm 6, spoke to me particularly today, as in many ways, I...
  5. alistaircook

    What if we become friends (Just looking for teens who love Christ)

    If anyone around my age is interested in growing in Christ and having some fellowship, outside of this forum, send me a message on one of my posts and ill send you my email, if not outside, then id be greatly encouraged if you joined me in making posts on my Daily Exhortations post.
  6. alistaircook

    What if we become friends (Just looking for teens who love Christ)

    I'm 19 and I'm from the UK. I'm new, and I'm looking for christian brothers and sisters who want to encourage and have fellowship with each other. I recently started a post in the young adults forum, the reason for it being to encourage people around my age, please message me and check out my...
  7. alistaircook

    Daily Exhortation

    These are some thoughts I've had over the past couple weeks. Zachariah 3: 1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen...
  8. alistaircook

    When a broken heart turns you gay

    I hope my post will encourage you, and that you haven't deleted your account; I'm just gonna share something my friend sent me, when I felt a similar way, though for different reason- it was also fairly recent. OK, so first this is how I felt I was feeling really guilty over a temptation I was...
  9. alistaircook

    Daily Exhortation

    Now that was long. Don't think length makes the point better; if you only have a sentence to post, I would think that just as wonderful.
  10. alistaircook

    Daily Exhortation

    Thank you @Godsmile, your comment has encouraged me greatly. I will now post my thoughts on a few verses I've read today- please, if anyone is interested in joining, do not be apprehensive, and if need be, please reprove me if I speak wrongly, and do not be afraid to post your own thoughts on...
  11. alistaircook

    Hi all

    Thank you, that's very encouraging @oyster67
  12. alistaircook

    Daily Exhortation

    I was just wondering if any young persons would like to encourage each other and have a little communion (it doesn't have to be daily) through this thread. I was thinking just simple stuff, like posting thoughts on verses you read during the day, and perhaps sharing weaknesses, that we may pray...
  13. alistaircook

    Hi all

    Thank you for all the replies, and the complement . I'll be sure to check out the bible discussion forum :D
  14. alistaircook

    Hi all

    I'm looking for fellowship and daily encouragement with brothers and sisters in Christ; I had recently been struggling with temptations, and reckoned that having more exhortation in my life would help alleviate some of this, "But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,”...