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  1. M

    Pray for my Grandson and family.

    Father in Jesus name, we pray for this grandson to have a negative covid test. We pray that you would calm his breathing down and give him peace. Father, let his friend recover quickly from covid. Your word says "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world". So we call on Your Son...
  2. M

    Anxiety Issues.....

    Father in Jesus name, I lift up carlosacook. You said in your word that they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. May carlosacook stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. May the boss on the first job have a change of heart and stop mocking carlosacook. I pray that you...
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    Please pray for me, I don't want to die but I can't do this anymore

    Dear sister, In Jesus name, I pray that you would be free from your addiction. God you know how much she wants to be free; but she needs help. I pray that someone would come into her life and provide the help and counseling that she needs for free. God do a miracle in Prin's life and draw her to...
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    Father, I lift up Jodykay to You. I pray that she would know that height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Help her to have peace each day as she works diligently to raise her children. Send her help if...
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    I have a condition and I’m constantly in pain.

    Father in Jesus name, I lift up this precious daughter to you. In Isaiah 53:5 your word says "By His stripes you are healed". I claim that word over this dear sister. Touch her body so that she would not be in so much pain, and that she would be able to recover quickly from this illness. God...
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    Panic Attacks

    Father in Jesus name, I pray that Katy would sense and feel Your peace even in the midst of this storm. Just like when Jesus was with his disciples and he was on the boat in the storm. The disciples woke Him and said "Lord don't you care if we perish". Father, your Son Jesus said "peace, be...
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    Things to get better

    Father in Jesus name, I come to you to lift up Gemmy. I pray for a better job for her, so that she can provide for her daughter. Jesus said in Mark 10:27 "with God all things are possible". Your word also says Phillippians 4:19 "But my God will supply all your need according to his riches in...
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    Prayers needed!

    Father in Jesus name, I bless you and thank you for this new position that Angel has. Psalms 37:23, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way". I pray that Angel would honor you with this new position and that he would have your perfect peace. I pray for his...
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    I’m Falling to Pieces

    First, you are incredible for taking the responsibility of caring for your kids. Don't be overwhelmed alone. If you are considering self harm, stop. Call 911. If you friends have offered any help, then take it. You need to contact a church that you are active in or ministry to see if you could...