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  1. L

    Placing Things on God's Shoulders?

    Hello, it has been quite a while since I've visited this forum, but I felt an urge to return because... well, there is a God-related topic I wanted to talk about with believers, although I'll admit I'm not sure if it belongs in this category because it's not specifically a Bible-related...
  2. L

    You Reap What You Sow?

    I'm not sure which category a topic like this would fit under, so I thought I'd try it here. ^^; It's just... well, something has been on my mind for several weeks now. I suppose the end result of my contemplations has lead to me thinking of that verse, but... I think it's also lead to me...
  3. L

    A Topic of Responsibility

    A few months ago, I was told off by a former friend (who then terminated contact with me, probably the best thing for both of us) for various reasons, but... well, we were bad for each other's mental health anyway, and highly incompatible, plus we had genuinely grown apart. However, one of the...
  4. L

    What Causes Divorce/Can it Really be Prevented?

    Since I have been single all my life so far, and my parents have always been together, I have never... exactly been directly effected by divorce, although my dad was because his parents were divorced... and it seems like at least half my friends were/are people who've been divorced or their...
  5. L

    How does God want us to think?

    I feel like this video is really speaking to me today, and I'd like to share it with everyone on this board. ^^; <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"...
  6. L

    Bargaining for Salvation (and/or other things)...?

    So... I have been reading the responses to my various other threads, even if I probably won't respond to them for at least a while because I am feeling emotionally drained right now for various reasons, and... I need some time to process some things. But I have reached a tentative conclusion...
  7. L

    Can Someone Please Help Me Answer This?

    Somehow, for some reason.... I dunno if it's because I just haven't asked the right people, or maybe it's because I haven't been able to articulate in a clear, coherent way what I'm asking. But... I thought I would try it here and now, now that I have a more organized brain and this seems to be...
  8. L

    Did Mary Magdalene Practice Magic?

    It has come to my attention today that the reason why Jesus dealt with so many demons and cast demons out of people was because there was so much dabbling in magical arts back in that day. This... is just something I have honestly never thought about or wondered before, but... did Mary...
  9. L

    If Jesus Came to Your Front Door, What Would He See if He Came Inside?

    This was a point brought up in another thread, and I thought it was interesting/valid/relevant enough to start a new thread/topic about it. Suppose the Savior who died on the cross for our sins came very unexpectedly and knocked on our front door. And... let's just go down that journey of...
  10. L

    A testimony of demonic oppression

    I just thought I'd try talking about this here, because... I feel this might be one of the few places I can talk about it without people automatically assuming I'm crazy or that I'm making it up. (Seriously... there are some ways in which I'm actually astonished and disappointed that even some...
  11. L

    Recovering from liking someone of a different belief structure?

    I hope it's alright to start another thread, especially since I already have one or two where I'm talking about my issues or whatever, but... I just feel this particular topic could use its own thread. And maybe.... if anyone has experienced similar issues, they can also talk here and share...
  12. L

    Is it possible to be greedy for attention?

    Let's face it... there are many ways you can be greedy, and I've come to learn it doesn't just involve money. During the height of my immature days, I loved attention and wanted to be in the spotlight, and I even got annoyed if someone I liked paid a lot more attention to someone else than...
  13. L

    What is your opinion of people who take donations for granted?

    In my town, we have a free community shelf/box with a glass door on the front of it, that sits outside in front of one of the local churches very close to where I live. For a couple of years, I have walked there often to donate a variety of things... food, toys, the occasional clothing item...
  14. L

    Do some people cry "abuse" a bit much?

    First off, please don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that I condone any form of abuse. And I wouldn't want anyone to stay in any place where they are being harmed physically or otherwise. However... there are some areas where I can't help but feel a bit irritated at how... overly judgmental...
  15. L

    The Chaste Spouse?

    So... if you're anything like me, (which I wholly acknowledge not everyone is lol) you might have been brought up in a heavily sheltered home where censorship was key (anything the slightest bit liberal or even mentioning witchcraft was a no-no), and a specific line of Christian teachings was...
  16. L

    Lonely... can anyone help?

    This is another post/thread where... I admittedly am not quite sure what I am looking for. TBH, I am not even sure what it is I want exactly. This may also end up becoming a post that is so diluted or convoluted that maybe... it will not even make sense to anyone by the time I'm done. I'm also a...
  17. L

    Unhealthy infatuation?

    I just thought I'd try starting a thread or two or promote some thoughtful discussion.. and because I am genuinely curious what other people have to say, from their own wisdom and experiences. ^^; So here's the question, (especially since I am still struggling with this myself...) Well... why...
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    Just my tale.

    So... I'll be straight-up and admit that one huge reason why I had an interest in this forum, and wanted to sign up, was because I noticed the Singles category. I'm not entirely sure what drew me to it. Maybe... at the very least, I was simply looking for a place to chatter about my experiences...
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    Hi, I'm brand new here and... I'm not sure what to expect. I'm not even sure if this will be my kind of place yet. ^^; It's been a long time since I've tried delving into forums of any kind... but I decided to give this one a try. I think one thing I'm hoping for is maybe... maybe I might make...