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  1. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Chester John 11:26 “whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” John 3:16 “whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:18 “he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed” If you have not believed Jesus gave you an...
  2. MatthewKJV

    predestination vs freewill

    @Ivon Hi man, freewill&predestination don't contradict that's a false dichotomy! => God sees the future. => God sees all the future very real choices people will freely personally choose to make. (out of their own individual conscious freewill) => With this foreknowledge of everyone's future...
  3. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry => "God personally chose Paul as vessel to bear his name, but Paul's writings are not scripture." => "God wants all men to know his word, but God doesn't provide his word in the largest language." => "The holy bible is not holy, what God tells you in prayer is holy." => "When you pray...
  4. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Chester Yes what do you think these ongoing results are? And you think those who have believed can or cannot stop believing? Ah ok you did not watch 1 of the 2 videos fully, thank you for answering, what is it which was said in these videos that you think is contrary to a verse of the bible?
  5. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Chester The belief that those who have received everlasting life will never die, is not something I have the power to dictate as necessary in order to be saved, the statement is not from me. Saying I have such power is inappropriate and dishonest. I sincerely find unfortunate that my answer to...
  6. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @SoulSearcher Hi man, after you became an eternally hell immune child of God by one time repenting from unbelief; Why does afterward God proceeds to now temporarily scourge you on earth the less you repent from sin? => Because he loves you! => Hebrews 12:6 “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth...
  7. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Pilgrimshope Hebrews 4:15 “without sin” Jonah 3:10 “God repented” Exodus 32:14 “the LORD repented” => God is without sin&yet God repents (from what?) If you falsely says that "repent" means "repent from your sin" you are calling God a sinner! => "repent" means "turn" or "repent" from something...
  8. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Pilgrimshope Hi man, I did not bypass repentance in that same original post of mine that you quoted&replied to I clearly wrote that you are guaranteed hell if you don't repent. You missed it! Guaranteed hell if you don't repent from unbelief. (John 3:18) Guaranteed heaven if you repented from...
  9. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Chester The damnable unbelief of the Calvinist's perseverance of the saints is the idea that God lies when he promises that those who have received eternal life by belief can stop believing (Galatians 1, 3, 5): To rather think that instead those who have received eternal life cannot stop...
  10. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Jocund The soul that sins shall die&everyone sins; they are dead. The only souls who are alive are people who have received eternal life by belief. Whoever lives spiritually are people who have received eternal life by belief. => Whoever lives spiritually and believes in me shall never die...
  11. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Gideon300 Hi man, on page 1 I elaborated with verses in a comment I posted right after the one you quoted (a follow up to it). And Ezekiel 18:20 says “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” but otherwise for the most part I agree with what you wrote!
  12. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry 2 Peter 1:21 “the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” Acts 9:15 “he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name” 2 Samuel 23:2 “the LORD spake by me” 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of...
  13. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Kireina @de-emerald @oyster67 @TabinRivCA Hey I think I realized that if I don't put the "@" thing y'all don't get a notification my bad! I thank you guys for your welcomes.
  14. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Dino246 "In the 7 minutes youtube video "the bible way to heaven sanderson1611" what is being said is bad material because it's Steven Anderson the bad gospel representative who's saying it." That is an ad hominem. You did not address the content...
  15. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Jocund Ezekiel 18:20 “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” 2 Chronicles 6:36 “there is no man which sinneth not” => The souls of everyone who hasn't received eternal life: These people are dead. => The only souls who are alive are people who have received eternal life by belief. John 11:26...
  16. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Dino246 "ad hominem" (google | "This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument." "I believe a horse is an animal but an animal is not a horse. That is not...
  17. MatthewKJV

    Issue with the character limit per post

    @GaryA Oh good point that makes sense, it shouldn't be like that but you're right that might very well be it. Thank you.
  18. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    @Dino246 Hi, thank you! Luke 16:22 “the beggar died, and was carried by the angels” Instantly after dying: carried. => Once we physically die; => We're instantly carried to either heaven or hell. "I believe Jesus is God but God is not Jesus." That is an irrational belief. For text...
  19. MatthewKJV

    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    (Why believe the bible? How to be guaranteed heaven? ________________________________________________ Luke 16:22-23 “the rich man also died, and was buried; and in hell he lift up his eyes”...
  20. MatthewKJV

    Why believe the bible?

    @Hungry In your hypothetical if that book was the perfect word of God yes of course. If not then no idea I would have to really know the book to be able tell. I don't understand why you asked me that though but anyhow man I simply genuinely requested that you tell me where you believe we can...