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  1. L

    Feeling in despair

    Every time I open the bible it goes on to verses that are about death and curses
  2. L

    Feeling in despair

    How do I overcome sin
  3. L

    Feeling in despair

    Why isn't he changing me? I feel unsaved
  4. L

    Feeling in despair

    I need help. I can't seem to change no matter what I do
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    Feeling in despair

    I'm going to die in despair leaving my family behind with so much pain I have caused them
  6. L

    Feeling in despair

    Thank you for this. I can't seem to change my heart no matter how hard I try. I just think I'm a horrible and selfish person who doesn't have a heart. I've been praying to God to help me become a better person and the person he wants me to be but nothing is working at all. I'm so lost. I'm...
  7. L

    Does God abandon the unsaved?

    I've got ALS, I'm only young with children. I've not given God my life or followed Jesus ways. Has he abandoned me? Am I unsaved? I belive that Jesus is Lord but then I've not followed his ways 💔
  8. L

    Is Obedience Necessary for Salvation?

    i Have a terminal illness (ALS). I've not followed Gods ways. Im trying to now but keep on thinking it's too late .I've sinned all my life. Is there hope for me or am I lost forever 💔💔💔
  9. L

    Feeling in despair

    Here if you need to talk
  10. L

    Feeling in despair

    I had a drink yesterday after promising god I wouldn't. I knew it was wrong but I still did it. I just can't stop sinning. Please help
  11. L

    Feeling in despair

    Thank you. This means so much. My children have seen and heard me struggling. I feel so guilty I've put my worries and despair upon them. I'm not a good mum at all. I'm sick of making mistakes. I'm trying to stop sinning but finding it so so hard
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    Feeling in despair

    Thank you everyone x
  13. L

    Feeling in despair

    I'm panicking all of the time, I feel so unworthy
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    Feeling in despair

    I don't think god is punishing me I just feel like I deserve this for the life choices I've made. It's my fault not Gods. I trust him. I'm just finding it hard to accept what's happening and so are my children
  15. L

    Feeling in despair

    My mental health is really bad. I've just read proverbs about a reprobate mind. This is what I have 😭😭😭😭
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    Feeling in despair

    Does God forgive a reprobate mind? I fear I have one
  17. L

    Feeling in despair

    I'm starting to feel emotionally detached . I don't want this