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  1. S

    Day of the Lord is for Sinners

    When you read all of the passages on the day of the Lord you will often see mention of the rescue and salvation of the righteous included in the passage. Theologically the subject of the Day of the Lord always includes the salvation of the righteous while the wicked suffer judgment and the...
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    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    1God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of...
  3. S

    Hello I think I have a problem about doctrine.

    You seem sincere in your questions. I would guess that your brothers and sisters that like Joyce Meyers teachings do not think that you are saved by works but that one is blessed by obedience to the Word, after salvation. Such as the spiritual growth we will experience all of our POST...
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    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    Someone may have already posted this but I see it as the Law and the Prophets which God used to speak to the fathers in times past but in these last days has spoken to us by His Son. Heb 1:1. When Peter asked to build three tabernacles the Voice from heaven said "This is my Son, HEAR HIM"...
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    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    The Cloud of Glory would suggest that these were THE Moses and Elijah and not just some ordinary people with the same name. Since the author did not explain to the readers how Peter knew, then it would fall upon the reader to assume the most natural reasoning. One that the author would...
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    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    Peter heard them discussing Jesus death and departure at Jerusalem This conversation probably contained enough details for Peter to draw conclusions such as he probably heard Jesus refer to each of them by name once or more during their conversation.
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Are there any women reading this thread who feel called to fulltime ministry in the areas of evangelist, pastor, teacher, etc? If so please don't be discouraged. The Assemblies of God welcomes women in ministry and provides world wide opportunities for training, education, and credentialing...
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Here are some links to the full articles: This is Paynes full article I am still having trouble finding the article that Payne is responding to by Moo but I know it is out there because I have...
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    I understood who you were responding to. :)
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    It could be that there were women at Ephesus being deceived by false teachers who were leading them with sensational teachings that they were trying to spread and their husbands whom God would use to correct them and warn them were being dismissed by these wives who thought they had a superior...
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Thanks for the Welcome. And thanks for expressing an intellectually honest view of these passages. Good teachers must give students the opportunity to apply rules of hermeneutics to these passages as all others even if their conclusions contradict denominational dogma.
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Therefore we conclude he did not say a woman could not be a pastor. I agree He never said those words. But people still say such things and blame it on something Paul said. When asked to show where, they give a verse that does not say that. And insist that Paul said something about women...
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    It gets discussed often in CC. Careful exegesis of the texts in question reveals that Paul was not taking up the matter of whether a woman could be a pastor throughout the history of the church. They were addressing local issues to the churches being written to. I think if we could ask Paul...
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    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    1 Tim 2:11-15 and 1 Peter 3:1-7 are talking about the exact same thing. Take your time to read them both and you can't help but get the idea that this must have been a teaching that was often shared to the churches. Peter might even have been quoting Paul. If so then Peter's text gives us a...