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  1. Richie85

    New and hope this osn't an argumentative dating site.

    There is nothing here but words on a screen. Youre natural desires for affection, belonging, meaning, fellowship and intimacy will not actually be met. You'll always be eating but still starving, if you know what i mean. There is a real life out there. There are people who never go on the...
  2. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    Its not satire, the first post. Or fake news. But since everyone here has to be a school marm... ok bud.
  3. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    The original post wasnt fake news! :) I just didnt see that it was posted, and it wasnt on my thing saying it was waiting to be vetted anymore, so i thought it was discarded. The best news ever to put on a Christian news forum , haha, the first one. Reeeeelaaaaaax people. So much pedantics. I...
  4. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may...
  5. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    Allow me to clear this up, I wrote the real news post about Jesus coming back, with the shout of an archangel and the raising of the dead, for hope in eternal life amidst a lot of negative "news", And i didnt think it was allowed to be posted. So I sinned and made a mock article next about...
  6. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    Just me sticking my foot in my mouth :)
  7. Richie85

    Censorship in the Church reaches all time high

    Users of Christian social media sites and Christian forums are reporting a noticeable increase in instances where a Christian brother or sister will exlude them from making a post. Statistically there is a spike in the "news" sections and a deterrance of Gospel related quotations and...
  8. Richie85

    All power given to Jesus.

    According to my sources (The Bible) ALL power in Heaven and in Earth has been given to Jesus and he is now sitting at the right hand of the Most High God. This may come as a surprise to many who were expecting a victory for evil. After a strong start of crucifying God in a human form, team evil...
  9. Richie85

    Random game.

  10. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Oh ye sons of men, how long will you turn my glory to shame
  11. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Amen! My eyes tell me i am alone, but scripture tells me He is always there! And as a matter of fact, my entire existance and the existance of anything depends upon His faithful word that holds all together. A person cannot recieve a single thing except by God, and ALL power comes from God, to...
  12. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    I think we all have ups and downs and doubts and fears and we all have sin, and we are to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling." But I can only speak for myself. When i have the confidence in his Grace, and that He came for a reason , to redeem me and He did just that, I am sure...
  13. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Thank you for the poem! I actually think about that a lot and try to keep things acceptable in his sight. A while ago though, i had a powerful dream, long story, but there was written prayers, and much tears and seeking and other people praying for me. It was sort of like pushing hard through...
  14. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Hi, no I actually have been very busy and forgot my password for a few days. Just remembered now. Thank you!
  15. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Collossians 2. I should read that chapter every day. Man. Triumphant love. Triumphant God. Thank you for welcoming me. Thank you for the good will.
  16. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Amen! Triumphantly Good and undefeatable! Thank you!
  17. Richie85

    Hello my name is Richard I am 37. I hope to connect with believers

    Haha thanks Christopher! Pleased to meet you and all the other people who said hello. They werent kidding when they said I might get a lot of attention. What a blessing I spend a lot of time in the evening at home alone and need some Godly fellowship and conversation. Very glad to have found...
  18. Richie85

    Am I saved

    The Bible says if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. If your hope is in Jesus, and forgiveness of your sins by His blood shed on the cross, you will not be disappointed. Only stand firm in your faith...