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  1. B

    Mothers Day Reality

    We honor the women in our lives today. One mother didn't want me, and the other did. I wanted to be a different mother to my children than my parents were. I evht now because I was left in the state I was in and realized the only person in the world you thought you had doesn't even care...
  2. B

    This woman is how you know hell is real.

    ?can you explain what the link is for please?
  3. B

    This woman is how you know hell is real.

    As I am sitting here washing the dishes I let pile up for several days, it dawns on me that this isn't the first time this same woman has had her awful little paws on someone's daughter. This woman has already cost one little girl her mother and look her coming back for another one. What is...
  4. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    Funny thing, I use to have that very scripture hanging on my door. Thank you for reminding me of that once very dear message. You guys have all been so encouraging. I don't know how long its been since all the comments were sent, but I am sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I appreciate...
  5. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    Again. These words are everything I needed today. I have been looking for parenting support groups but I haven't really had much luck but I am still looking. Thank you for the amazing words of praise and insight, they are very much appreciated and the time you guys have given me is very much...
  6. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    thank you for that. I appreciate the warm welcome.
  7. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    You are a doll. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I came to the right spot today for sure. I almost cried when I read I love you. It's crazy how much a person can miss those words and not even know how much until you read them and a tear drops out of the corner of your eye. One day...
  8. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate you more than you know. Andrea
  9. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    thank you for that. I appreciate you.
  10. B

    Not all who wander are lost, but I am!

    Hey everyone, I am Born Hempy or Andrea by birth. I was born in Hemphill; Texas and I feel about as small as that place is right now. I have a son that is nineteen who loved me one minute and hasn't spoken to me since that minute and that was almost three years ago. Sixty-five days ago, my...