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    Skullet Haircuts Question

    This guy had one because nothin in the north 40
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    Oh, that turkey!! After thanksgiving , and making a couple of casseroles. I eat turkey for breakfast lunch and dinner, YUMMY! Seriously, i love it!!!
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    The assembling to meet the Lord

    2Peter 3:3-4 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
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    I have no problem with your verses. But They cannot buy the oil. the oil is the Holy Spirit. There are those in the church which keep god's commandments, in appearance, but lack a converted heart.
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    Confusion about Sodom and Gomorrah

    Bolds below the scripture are mine I think the arrogance gluttony and lack of care to the poor and strangers were the beginning of Sodom's downfall.. Extreme self centeredness. Hating ones neighbor. Have you read some of the stories of the treatment of visitors by the cities of the plain...
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    Ok I'm a Sabbath keeper, but i believe the 10 Brides were church members of Christian denominations. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. some folk in church even though they appear to be Christians, have not truly given their lives to Christ, which we have to do. The oil or the Holy spirit...
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    Church Attendance

    ↑↑↑↑ Yep!!! This !!!! Exactly! We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves, and each person in the church has a role to play to bring others to Christ.
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    Morman missionaries

    It is an online Latin class for Senior citizens. I was just curious about the name, and thought maybe it was you. I would be a fellow classmate. It is a private group.
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    Morman missionaries

    Learner, do you bu any chance also take an online language class with the name Learner? We have someone in our class named Learner.
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    Where is the Trustworthy Protector of Israel?

    Maybe the covenant is of a different nature than is expected.
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    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    Hey you know the link you put below the first one, says this is false, don't you? " Claim: CDC data issued in October 2022 provide evidence that COVID-19 vaccines increase a person's risk of death. Rating: False
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    It is a one world govt/religion.
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    Is Trump heading for jail?

    I do. There has been no evidence presented. If there has been , please provide it to the proper authorities.
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    I'm here to speak with all who know God not from scripture but from the spirit within their heart

    "Did your lord not teach the lord's prayer? Does God not know what each needs even before they ask? His sweetest words are now cacophany in your ears. Did he not tell you to keep watch with your light trim then why now is no light found in you This was your final crossroad " This is what you...
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    I'm here to speak with all who know God not from scripture but from the spirit within their heart

    Jesus tole us to search the Scriptures John 5:39 "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. " So it seems that if He said to search, and someone else says not to, then I would think that someone who relys on self and doesn't search...
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    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    But he is not dead. No one has yet died the second death.We all die the first.
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    I wouldn't give Kenneth Copeland anything but a good Bible study. The stuff he says, oh my. Why give this guy money so he can spread more of this tripe? I have, all through this thread, thought that Matt12ABC is pulling our leg. I...