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  1. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    Friend, that is exactly what we have prophecy for, which was my source, per 1 Corinthians 13.
  2. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    Are you a linguist or am I misunderstanding you? I would love to see anything you have to share on the subject. What I meant is that I studied all of the body physiology in depth down to the chemistry and physics of the cells and tissues. All of it was ultimately understandable until they tried...
  3. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    I wrote you a long reply but it doesn't feel like its for mass consumption. I will try to send it to you in a private conversation.
  4. Ballaurena

    Gonna be out of town this next week so please respect that I won't be on here to answer near as...

    Gonna be out of town this next week so please respect that I won't be on here to answer near as much if at all.
  5. Ballaurena

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Not far off from a real story I heard. A few years back a bridge in my uncle's community collapsed into the river. He had just driven over it, so he stopped to see if he could help. That's when he heard this story of how a lady had seen the bridge out ahead and stopped. Well some guy behind...
  6. Ballaurena

    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I hope you read the verses in 1 John at least. I was trying to dig into the issue, and in a respectful and honest way. The person we were discussing, though, sounded more like the deceived than someone intentionally deceiving. A false teacher is not the same as a mistaken teacher, the latter of...
  7. Ballaurena

    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I think you are trying hard there but struggling to wrap your head around some things. Please allow me to throw some concepts and verses at you. You referenced Hosea 4:6 (although also Isaiah 5:13) which says: "6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected...
  8. Ballaurena

    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I have my suspicions about this person's integrity (too?), but at least at this point I think I will leave them to God to judge (I haven't read much of the discussion but I see no future in getting into divisive arguments). God doesn't care about doctrine since he isn't after intellect and...
  9. Ballaurena

    Do stillborns and deceased babies go to 'hell'

    God is loving. God is just. God is holy. Whatever view one has about the matter must be in line with these, and it is pretty plain that condemning babies to eternal suffering is inconsistent with God's nature. That said, 'hell' isn't what most people think. So the issue is complicated by...
  10. Ballaurena

    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    You have quite the mental gymnastics there to 'prove' your point. I was just reading for the plain text meaning because I was in a circumstance to look with fresh eyes. Nonetheless, it is Holy Spirit's job to interpret and teach us, and we are responsible for following God as He shows us.
  11. Ballaurena

    Where Wisdom Lies

    Maybe I will get to your post later but today I'm zonked and more at cat meme level, so I thought I would share. Unfortunately some of them won't work. (Or maybe fortunately.)
  12. Ballaurena

    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    Colossians 2:16-17 "16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day— 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ." Romans 14 Here is an excerpt, though it is better...
  13. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    Thank you for your humble listening; it is far too rare a trait. And thank you for sharing. I see how this is a very real and tangible issue for you. That must be very hard indeed. I worked about 9 months in a nursing home and it was hard enough for me to watch the elder population suffer and...
  14. Ballaurena

    Diet is "Die" With a "T" -- What Are Your Best Weight Loss/Management Stories and Strategies?

    Thank you. You hit on a lot of things I have thought at times. First off, there are so many measures of 'health' precisely because none of them tells the whole story. For example, one guideline says the waist should be less than X inches (I am intentionally withholding the actual number...
  15. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    I indeed agree that we in general are in agreement, and that our God is a a merciful one. The one place that I wasn't was in your statement of: It may not be in the way an adult does, but a child can very much have growth and understanding from suffering. It's not exactly the same but I have...
  16. Ballaurena

    Diet is "Die" With a "T" -- What Are Your Best Weight Loss/Management Stories and Strategies?

    Not sure this one applies to me or not. I like to bake and my weight isn't where I want it but neither is it terrible. I make a point not to fix the fun stuff very often. Mostly just for special occasions, but not entirely since sometimes I just have it in my soul to make something. Yes. To...
  17. Ballaurena

    The tree of knowledge of good and evil

    Incorrect. you didn't just quote scripture. You interpreted scripture and did a whole lot of it. This is not the Bible: However, I just realized I read your post incorrectly, for which I apologize. Please forgive me there as I was highly disturbed to read a proposal that certain children...
  18. Ballaurena

    New from WA State, looking to share and/or find my God match.

    I will try to be more concise. You have probably figured out by now that it isn't my natural tendency. Do let me know which you would like to pursue further.