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  1. S

    Hello. How are you doing?

    Hello. How are you doing?
  2. S

    Prayer for Faith....

    I love you.
  3. S

    I need prayers

    I love you.
  4. S

    Hunger Issues and Tics.

    Thank you. I love you.
  5. S

    Hunger Issues and Tics.

    Thank you. I love you.
  6. S

    Suicidal Death

    I love you.
  7. S


    I love you.
  8. S

    Need prayer.

    I need a lot of prayers. Would please pray for me? I think that I am being bothered by evil spirits. I am feeling depressed by it. Thank you. I love you.
  9. S

    When you feel alone

    Thank you for the encouragement. I love you.
  10. S

    A dark moment

    I I love you.
  11. S

    Prayer for Family Abuse

    Father in heaven, please be with person and give her/him peace, love, comfort, strength, joy, and compassion, wisdom, and heal the emotional wounds. Amen. I love you.
  12. S

    Please pray I'm feeling like ending it

    Father in heaven, Please be with this person and give her/him peace, love, comfort, joy, strength, hope, and encouragement and heal her/him of emotional wounds. Amen. I love you.
  13. S

    Do you know any churches or pastors who do healings?

    I want to know if any of you know any churches or pastors who do healings.
  14. S

    How many people have food insecurity.

    I have hunger issues.
  15. S

    Feast Of Tabernacles - Sukkot

    I am glad that you know that Feast. I kept that Feast when I was growing up.
  16. S

    Does God forgives sins

    Yes. I believe that everyone gets saved. Christ died for every single person. It is not God's will that anyone shall perish.
  17. S

    Does God forgives sins

    I do not believe in hell. The scriptures says that every knee shall bow down to Christ and everyone shall confess the lord.
  18. S

    Hunger Issues and Tics.

    I would like you to pray for me. I have hunger issues and tics. They are very uncomfortable. I get depressed about it. Would you please pray that the hunger issues go away and and the tics get better? Thank you. I love you.
  19. S

    Hello There

    My name is Sid. I am new to the chat room.