I've posted on a Canadian website where a far right Canadian used to post. He hated Obama, said that Harper was an angel compared to him, and that the Canadian Conservative party is the greatest thing since sliced bread. A couple of liberals answered his hate for Obama by pointing that the Canadian Conservatives are to the
left of the Democrats just like the British Conservatives are. That their party endorses universal health care, and would be called leftist or socialist in the USA. As for Harper being so great at what he did, they pointed out that the unemployment rate in Canada is higher than in the USA under Obama and that the exchange rate is 74 cents to the US dollar. That if the Canadian dollar drops further it will soon be about as valuable as Monopoly money. After that the far right critics wasn't quite as enthused about telling the USA how to run its politics.
I have been pretty involved in the political process in the US, more so then in Canadian politics
I'm not shy in expressing how I feel...Harper kept Canada out of the debt default setting most countries seem to be stuck on these days...I voted for him in the last election...many Canadians did not get what he was about IMO...he lost and then retired with dignity...I was glad he did that because he did not deserve the scorn heaped at him
I can guarantee you will not get an accurate picture of Canadian ANYTHING on sites where folks go to rant ... who probably have no outlet for their opinions that anyone wants to hear...kind of like some folks who come here and try to use this site as a teaching platform...(present company excluded)..the sects, cults and fringe members of what they think is Christianity
as Americans are so awful proud of their free speech, ability to demonstrate (note I did not say create an atmosphere of anarchy and nihilist-socialist activities) I don't why they would take exception to anyone voicing their opinion
that's what social media is all about these days and everyone has one...opinion that is
our health system actually worked pretty good until everyone and their gook uncle from foreign countries availed themselves of it...and I don't mean the last 5 years...the system has been steadily eroding over the last 20+ years with even Americans crossing the border and presenting fake health cards...yes, that has happened
IMO, things get stupid and ignorant (again not aiming this at anyone in particular) when folks just accept what they hear...rumors and mad scientist critiques...and disallow for the actual VERY complicated interaction of world affairs, geo-political groups that move around the entire globe, anarchists, collage kids who have not worked a day in their lives but think they know it all, ill-advised appointees to positions of power (see the Bible in Proverbs for what happens when fools rule) and so on and so forth
you cannot possibly sum up the truth or even close to it, from these conditions