The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power,esp. a personal God or gods.
That is the first definition from the Oxford English dictionary.
Atheism cannot be a religion by simple comparison of definitions. Atheists hold no belief or worship in a superhuman controlling power, i.e God. Nor do they have any belief system or doctrinal code to follow.
In fact atheism couldn't be further from the definition of religion if it so tried. It involves a lack of belief in a God, and that's it. I'm sure you can find some that add to the core of that but none propose a belief in God or a set of dogma is essential to its definition.
You should really watch your words when comparing the actions of extremist moslems who flew planes into two skyscrapers killing thousands with someone who has made multiple accounts on a christian site. It is idiotic and it's completely tactless.
The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power,esp. a personal God or gods.
That is the first definition from the Oxford English dictionary.
Atheism cannot be a religion by simple comparison of definitions. Atheists hold no belief or worship in a superhuman controlling power, i.e God. Nor do they have any belief system or doctrinal code to follow.
In fact atheism couldn't be further from the definition of religion if it so tried. It involves a lack of belief in a God, and that's it. I'm sure you can find some that add to the core of that but none propose a belief in God or a set of dogma is essential to its definition.
You should really watch your words when comparing the actions of extremist moslems who flew planes into two skyscrapers killing thousands with someone who has made multiple accounts on a christian site. It is idiotic and it's completely tactless.
I am done with this thread.