I just had a passing thought and it seemed credible enough to start a thread. There are so many amazing experiences people have had and they are spread into countless threads that many of us may never see. Why not have a thread that collects these?
I'll start with one that's already written on my profile, I will return an add some I'm sure none of you have heard. I really hope that if you have an experience you will find the time to testify to it.
My father traveled for a living and had a 2 hour layover in Austin. It was not enough time to pick him up and bring him home and then return to the airport to go through security for his next flight again but it was too much time to sit at the airport in his home town, so he called and invited my friend and I to pick him up and he would take us to lunch.
We were on the way back to the airport when he gave me a 5 dollar bill. My friend Luis was in the back seat. We pulled up to a red light at the overpass in front of Austin Bergstrom International Airport. There was a homeless guy in tattered robes with long white hair standing on the side of the highway under the over pass.
He looked at me with praying hands clasped in front of him. Staring right at me as we waited at the light. There were about 3 lanes of cars.. maybe 20 cars in all, I was halfway back and in the middle. I shrugged to let him know I couldn't help him, after all my father had given me a 5 dollar bill its all I had and my father didn't believe in homeless people. He thought they were all scam artists.
Once I shrugged he didn't look at someone else like I expected, he began saying hexes at me walking up and down the road waving his hands, the light turned green and I took my dad to the airport. My dad got out, Luis got in the front seat. I said "I have to go back there" Luis said "why?" I said "I don't know why, but that man has to know I'm a christian"
so we parked on the other side of the over pass where there is a yellow convenience store. I went in and bought 2 bottles of water to make change and we walked over. At first he looked alarmed and wouldn't talk to us. He looked like a chicken trying to cross the road.. back and forth as cars whisked by.
Worried about police I thrust out 2 dollars and said take it, he said" now you've given me money I know you're of God and I can talk with you." He had my attention.
Luis was just behind me and to my left. The homeless man had his back to the traffic and the airport as he began "I walked away from my life 30 years ago to lead a revolution for God" then he just tranced out, his eyes stared ahead and he said "THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD!!" and I hit the ground on one knee, my left hand already cupping the bill of my hat over the corners of my eyes, head straight down he didn't stop on and on about dragons and I don't even know to be honest I couldn't pay attention to a word he said I was so tormented by this light I couldn't even see.
I wanted to look up but the brim of my hat wouldn't even lift to his sandals as I tried to look up it was like I was arguing with my own eyes "I don't know where you think you are going to look, but you aren't looking at that man" and thats a curious thing. I have very strong will power, I can look at the sun, I've even done surgery on my own hand at a construction site with a 6"6 300 lb guy spreading my palm apart while I dig in with a razor, but I could not even glance that mans sandals.
I don't know if it was 10 of the most grueling minutes of my life or 30.. all I know is I wanted him to be done so many times and he just kept going. When I was finally sure he was done I didn't miss a blink, I jumped up thrust my hand out and didn't dare look up, I shook his hand turned around and the world was completely normal. I heard Luis say goodbye and we walked in silence for a while I said "did you see me there kneeling like that?" He swore F*** no I didn't see you Jeff I was kneeling right behind you how the hell could I see you!?" (forgive the descriptive nature, but it's an accurate account) we left and had visions/dreams for 3 days and nights.. visions of demons and real life manifestations which included snakes and women.
-Thanks for reading, double thanks for adding experiences.