welp ive never done a full testimony
hope this isnt too long winded (on a phone and have rhino like skin on my hands please forgive poor grammer, touch screens dont like me)
i was born in detroit michigan august 24th 1990
i was the second born (illegitimate birth)of my mother
the first instance of importance reguarding truth i remember getting a king james bible as a gift at about 5 years old from my mother
why i got king james if im not mistaken is because my uncle was a baptist preacher at the time
i was told to put my name on it... not being very understanding of how things work or having opened the bible yet i grabbed a yellow neon highlighter and wrote it on the side of the closed bible (had to close it tight so the pages didnt bend)
my mom noticed after i was done and said there was a spot on the inside for my name and laughed
well i never opened it to read and lost the bible shortly after
the next important thing i can remember i asked my step father (catholic) a few questions about God at around the age of 7 or 8 years
the answers didnt resonate well
i dont remember what i asked or what he said but that was the first time i felt God may not be real
having already been lied to about the tooth fairy and santa
then at around 10 years of age a teacher in school outright told me he doesnt think God is real
having never been instructed to be weary of teachers i believed him
and no longer felt God was real (unless i was in distress... i would still pray in intense situations)
i became a harder to the truth and softer to the world over time
from 14 (when i was expelled from my 2nd school and emancipated and started working) to my early 20s i became a violent person
my words were filthy
my actions were self fufilling
i claimed to be agnostic when i felt like being honest
or christian when i thought it would benefit me to lie
i would seek girls for fornication and walk around with a puffed out chest
i put my efforts into learning how to fight
and gaining respect from the world
as well as admiration of peers
i went from job to job and moved to different states
well at about 22
i was smacked with a spiritual brick...
i saw how evil i was
it may sound strange but i was gettin really into conspiracy to the point i couldnt deny not just me
but everyone was being lied to by people in positions of power
i wondered why?
went deeper in the rabbit trail, until it led me to understand a little of the occult
i could see music and movies, games, sports and hollywood in a whole new light
i saw how my desires were what these things wanted me to desire
and Satan was the driving force of glorifying these things
or at least thats what certain individuals in high places believed
i then wanted to prove myself wrong
loving the things i put so much time into
but God revealed himself to me
and i realized how wicked i was
so now i felt the Bible was true
but i still hadnt read any of it
my flesh ended up winning over this new information
and i jumped headfirst back into a life of sin
but now... the short pleasures were followed by intense guilt
which would make me cry (very unfamiliar thing to me being hardened)
i got a job offer
back in michigan for more the double the money i was getting paid in wisconsin
so i packed up and left
i went to my older brothers house
and he had a few bibles
i told him i wanted one
(now know he spent most of his life in prison or on the run)
when he handed me a bible
my name was already on it... on the side of the pages
barely able to read it with how faded it was but it was there
i got goose bumps
i asked him where he got it
he said his girlfriends appartment
so i asked her
where did she get it
she said her friend left it there
i had appearently left my bible at my uncles house as a child and his daughter (my cousin) left it at her friends (my brothers girl friend) house over 10 years later
since then ive been growing in the word
denying myself
practicing righteousness and following the truth
im leaving a lot of stuff out
i dont want to gossip about others
or glorify my sin
but God is real guys
and no matter how far we fall away from him
how much we rebel
he wants us to follow him
accept Jesus as our savior
and learn to walk away from our sins
if you have any questions
pm me
i promise ill answer honestly
thanks for takin the time to read this