I have many, but one that happened today was i ended up getting out of one of those jury duty summons things. I hate going to them, they are stressful, cramped and just not somewhere i need to be.. A week prior i had recieved the summons in the mail and called them about it, The lady on the phone was snippy and pretty much said i HAD TO GO with no excuse.. Skipping ahead to today i just decided to try again, but first before i call i prayed about it, declaring deliverance over the issue.. and it was funny, after i had prayed it seemed like the enemy was just throwing problems my way, first my computer just out of nowhere got the blue screen of death, followed by various other minor annoyances, one of which was i had lost the remote and i had been looking for it since yesterday... I finally found it before making the call, but as i turned on the tv
and glanced at what was on it was a Judge show called the peoples court or something, so right then i knew something was up. I finally called and the nice lady i spoke to her name was "Mary" and she just said " ok you are excused" and just like that i don't have to do it.
God knows going to those is stressful for me because i don't like being around police, judges, courtrooms or anywhere near that stuff (due to my past)..so yea He delivered me from having to go to that place. God is good.
and glanced at what was on it was a Judge show called the peoples court or something, so right then i knew something was up. I finally called and the nice lady i spoke to her name was "Mary" and she just said " ok you are excused" and just like that i don't have to do it.
God knows going to those is stressful for me because i don't like being around police, judges, courtrooms or anywhere near that stuff (due to my past)..so yea He delivered me from having to go to that place. God is good.
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