In my post I originaslly shared how I coped without medication, I didnt say that I was healed, when you are in total rebellion and lost in the christian walk you go through all sorts of emotions, and whilst you are looking for God in that and you are in a position where God doesnt want you to be,and you wont or cant get yourself ouf It can impact your life in all sorts of ways, so while God has you at long arms length his closeness, really not easy to explain as im still figuring things out,but when all you could do is focus on the unrepented sin and search why who you are and the progress or degress of your life is because of the choices you make It can be really sad, and really heartbreaking that you could have been something or did something great in your life, we are all born with talents and a dream of being something, Its more than look back of reminising its hidden in the secret parts of your heart,and its in the pain, when youve got a broken heart to sort out being anylitical is part of the fruits and everything you view once to be truth is absolutely twisted and the confusion takes alot of energy and time to unravel, my sins brought me to this position, and I hope you will not do anything to detrement your soul, your personality, you.