There is also a book written by Mike Warnke called the Satan Seller,whom i met in College and heard his testimony of being a Coven leader in a Church of satan called the coven started by Anton Le-vey back in 1966 deceased now.I was never any kind of a leader in this church but was a member of this Church until the Lord Jesus delivered me in College in 1984.It is not the razzle, dazzle that interest people so much as it is the power and control one can have over people!
And make no mistake you do have great power over them!The problem is that in order for one to obtain this power you have to have a demon enter your body.This happens to ALL!!!! ( eph 4:27) Do not let anyone fool you by telling you they have control!! LOL They are led to believe this yes,but they lose control in short order in every area of there life!Jesus Christ and his Word is the only way to break this terrible curse,and yes it is a great curse to those children who have fallen prey to the bait the enemy gives.
My own testimony is way to long to present here,but make no mistake, I fully know of what I speak! About 1 year before Jesus came to deliver me and save me,a friend of mine was going to join in a seance to raise the devil himself,I told him at the time, this would not be a good idea,because so very few have ever seen him and lived to tell the story, such as Mike Warnke and Smith Wiggleworth,a great disciple of Jesus back in the 40s and 50s. So he and about 10 others did not listen,he went anyway,the next day I noticed he was not present at morning muster,a term used in the Armed forces, like ones role call. later that afternoon I had found out that 8 people died,and that he was in a insane hospital,the cause due to something they could not figure out.
They said he came out of that house pale and not in his right mind. he never returned to the unit. As the good brother spoke on his identification to the evil arts,i can confirm his story, far more then many would ever think or believe! There are many forms of witchcraft,and the black arts. Why are they called black arts one may ask?
Because they turn ones life into a great darkness both inside and out. if your eyes are covered as you walk, what can you see? That is what darkness does,there is no hope once in it,and there is no way out from it until Jesus comes to remove this darkness with his most wonderful LOVE!
And when he does this, you are never the same again! You stay so very thankful everyday,to what many take for granted you no longer can or even will think to do so! Jesus takes away the darkness and the pain coming from that darkness,all fear is dismissed! ALL FEAR! And what is left to the believer when ones looks into there eyes is the same as Jesus himself.One person who saw Jesus face to face said when asked what did you see in his eyes? He replied, WELLS OF LIVING LOVE!!" I have never seen Jesus face to face only from the side upon my own deliverance but I can tell you brothers and sisters that I sure have never been the same again!! And many here who know me can vouch for me on that as well!
There is no greater peace, and love KNOWING!! That this is not based upon our feeling or emotion,it is based upon what our Lord Jesus has already done for each of us, upon the cross of love he bore for each of us,and upon that same cross we his children carry for others to see and come to,so they might also receive his love and tender mercies and kindness!( john 7:38)The living waters spoken of here is who now dwells within each of us who believe, eternal life! Jesus Christ is Lord!And no one can say this except by Holy Spirit who now dwells in the believer!( 1 cor 12:3)
I thank you brother for your testimony,and warning to others! Make no mistake brothers and sisters the devil does indeed prowls around LIKE!!! a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour! ( 1 peter 5:8)The only way we can resist him is never in our own power! NEVER! But rather as Jesus himself did!Jesus spoke the Word!( matt 4:1-11!!) The Bible is not a magic book,no brothers and sisters it is rather a supernatural book, and the words which dwell in this book are living, for our Jesus is living,which is why the enemy must flee when he hears Jesus words never our own!
The Bible is not just a book,it is rather our food for both our mind and body,eat of HIS Word daily, and your flesh and mind will have life.Eternal life which can only come from the author of such a wonderful testimony from this life giving Word!His WORD!
To those who have left the true bondage of darkness you know very well of what I speak,and to those considering going into darkness for a peak at it,beware,for the peak you take will swallow you whole,and will never be willing to ever release you! The devil does not give up as many believers have,he will never stop,nor must we who do believe,EVER stop believing!
For the battle both of our mind and of our flesh is a battle to the end! But the weapons we as believers have are divinely powerful!! For the very destruction of fortresses!( 2 cor 10:4-7!!)Those in darkness who come against God's children who know who they are KINGS KIDS!!! shall become in great woe! For the Word of God is LIVING!!! and ACTIVE!!! and sharper then any two edged sword!Piercing as far as in the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the very heart!!( hebrews 4:12!!) Luke 11:28 Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it!! amen!