wow-- pretty frightening and shocking stories here; Your story caught my eye because I used to have sleep paralysis, and like it's been described, saying the name of Jesus even once, would make it stop immediately. Sometimes I would struggle to say the name of Jesus being caught between sleep and being awake and paralyzed. Your story brought back some frightening memories. What I found helpful back when this was happening was falling asleep saying a repetitive prayer or verse from the Bible, especially a prayer that uses Jesus name. Then when the sleep paralysis attacks would happen, the prayer or verse would come to mind. When I used to say the Rosary, the Rosary would come to mind-- all this was while I was still half-asleep. then the attacks would end and I would wake up. This information is also for others who might read this.
If you don't want to say the Catholic Rosary, look up in the Bible the verses that it is based on and say those. The reason this is so powerful is not just because of Mary, but the power of the message-- the announcement of the Birth of Christ.
So, the people who have suggested praying before sleeping are on the right track. But, your situation is much more serious.
I would recommend the book, "The Bondage Breaker," and 'Victory Over the Darkness," right away.
Do not get into the spiritual warfare stuff. It's not a good idea to enter into power struggles with evil forces, especially if you are not well established as a Christian.
Dr. Neil Anderson says in his books that I listed, that he rarely ever had to deal with these kinds of power struggles. He also explains that what you are experiencing regarding your past sins, the guilt and/or condemnation, does not come from God. Conviction is from the Holy Spirit, that motivates us to change and turn to God. Condemnation is a deceiving spirit and does not represent reality.
There were no power struggles between Jesus of Nazareth and the powers of darkness in the Bible.
Neil's approach makes the most sense, and many spiritual freedom ministries are based on this--
1) You have to first establish your identity in Christ.
2)Then go through the 7-steps to freedom that covers any past issues. This is based on the Bible.
3) Enter Christian fellowship.
4) Read the Bible
5) Then if there's still issues, call in the deliverance team.
Deliverance must be done as a marathon (I saw this on TV once). A team of people work round the clock-- prayer, fasting, constant barrage of key scriptures, etc...
If the person is not willing to stay away from the things that caused the problem in the first place, why would anyone put this kind of resources into helping them? The person has to be committed to recovery and serious about being a Christian, or it's a waste of time, and the person can be in worse trouble.
If what has happened to you hasn't scared you enough-- dude.... that's as bad as it gets, I think, until you get to the point where they make movies about it.
When Jesus first confronted the devil in the desert, all He did was quote the Bible. The truth is a powerful weapon.
I would be careful of what some have said here about our power as Christians to engage in spiritual warfare. [/B
] If some people here are able "stomp demons out of their house," that's one thing. Maybe they have the faith to do that. You may not be in that position yet. Some of your problems are coming from engaging in power struggles with evil and being enticed by it. Like you said, and what myself and several others have said, all you need to do is say the name of Jesus, or one of the prayers people have listed. When the Apostle James said to "submit to God and resist the devil," he didn't mean with our own faculties or resources. We can't fight evil with our minds. But, we can fill our minds with the truth of the Gospel, and the power of the Holy Spirit does the rest. It's not rocket science really. Once we turn from sinful lifestyles, understand our identity in Christ, praise and worship God in close Christian fellowship, go through spiritual freedom sessions, the bad stuff just goes away. Other things people have suggested here should help such as putting on some worship music all night.
When we get into God's light, the Light of Christ, and stay there, everything goes back into balance, because that's the way God created it. There doesn't have to be a million treatment plans for a million people-- JUST ONE LIGHT!!
Sleep paralysis is pretty common, unfortunately, but your experience is so severe because of situations in your life that have opened doors and created vulnerabilities. Dr. Anderson says don't be demon-centered, be God centered. They are enticing you to play their game, and they are feeding on your isolation. The person who suggested that you have a home- fellowship meeting has a great idea. I'm thinking of doing that myself.
Just invite one or two Christians over-- ANYBODY. NOW. Stop the battles now.
Focus on God, on Christ, not the bad spirits
And be careful of anti-depressant medications. Don't take the ones that intensify dreams--obviously, or cause nightmares.
Ok, I'm not an expert on spiritual warfare; But, I believe Dr. Neil Anderson is one of them. And most of this comes from his books.
My battle is very different with depression, but the solution is pretty much the same.
Hope things get better in a hurry--
If you do everything people in here have suggested, things will get better. There's no reason why things like sleep paralysis should persist for many years, once the underlying problem is resolved.