Those dreams I had were in high school. I had a lot of trouble with anxiety and panic attacks then. I also struggled with assurance of salvation and many times praying for salvation.
Nowadays anxiety is still something that I deal with pretty much on a daily basis in different degrees. Sometimes more on mild side such as tension and other times stronger. I would like to be more independent and be able to move out. I am not always so encouraged about it as at times I may view becoming independent with some pessimism. And yet there are many who have done just that and are ok. And I know God can help me as well.
In regards to assurance of salvation, I have had some up and down moments somewhat recently. Some moments really happy and encouraged about, other times not so much. I would like that joy and peace to stay but I keep on having questions. But where I am with that has improved since when I was in high school. The reason I say that is one or more times while I was in high school still I did not think I was going to heaven. I actually felt the opposite at least once that I may have been doomed to hell. At least now I have some hope in my heart about heaven. The degree of hope for me may vary because of questions or reading encouraging words from Scripture. I wish I could find an answer to the questioning that would settle it once for all still I believe God can meet me in the uncertainty.
Nowadays anxiety is still something that I deal with pretty much on a daily basis in different degrees. Sometimes more on mild side such as tension and other times stronger. I would like to be more independent and be able to move out. I am not always so encouraged about it as at times I may view becoming independent with some pessimism. And yet there are many who have done just that and are ok. And I know God can help me as well.
In regards to assurance of salvation, I have had some up and down moments somewhat recently. Some moments really happy and encouraged about, other times not so much. I would like that joy and peace to stay but I keep on having questions. But where I am with that has improved since when I was in high school. The reason I say that is one or more times while I was in high school still I did not think I was going to heaven. I actually felt the opposite at least once that I may have been doomed to hell. At least now I have some hope in my heart about heaven. The degree of hope for me may vary because of questions or reading encouraging words from Scripture. I wish I could find an answer to the questioning that would settle it once for all still I believe God can meet me in the uncertainty.
You are loooooooved!!! You are loved so much!!!! It's time for you to know how much!
Some people don't believe in God because they can't physically see, smell, touch, taste, or hear Him - therefore, He does not exist. Our physical senses can be manipulated and deceived - just think how many times has a magician deceived your eyes..........
Some people rely more on their emotions - they need to feel happy and loved ALL the time, the moment feelings of happiness go away - they cave in and doubt everything. Emotions are fickle - here today and gone tomorrow - VERY unstable. This is why "commitments" are so important - they keep us in our agreements and promises no matter how we "feel" about it.
Both of these scenarios (physical and emotions) are unstable and not the way God establishes us in His Truth and knowing Him and His salvation. It is not strange that you have had difficulty establishing steadfast faith in your salvation. It sounds like you've been relying on your emotions.
The connection we have to make with God to fully believe and receive is in our spirits communing with His Holy Spirit - The Spirit of Truth. This is when we receive unshakable Truth of God, His Love for us and His Gift of Salvation - Forgiveness of sin through His Blood and Body - The Lamb of God - Yeshua/Jesus.
There are other parts to us than our physical and emotions. We are:
First, a spirit being;
Second, a living soul; and
Third, a physical body.
God has designed us with the capability to function in all 3 parts. We, of course, function at our highest potential when all 3 are functioning together as one with God (Father, Son-Yeshua/Jesus, and Holy Spirit) ruling and reigning in our hearts and minds overseeing all things pertaining to us.
Look, CherieR, I'm probably getting too deep in things but, listen, God loves you! Just do what He showed you in your dream....... Call out for Jesus......"Jesus" "Jesus" He will come closer to you and lead and guide you into ALL Truth. You need not fear anything or anyone.
Seek God with ALL your heart, He does not respond to our minds or emotions. He pays close attention to our hearts. Our hearts just This is what God wants too, our love for Him.
You're beautiful and you are loved! Thank you so much for sharing your dream! It has blessed me so much! Forever, your sister-in-Christ, Lafftur (Sharon).
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