Grace and Peace, Precious friends. If the confusion of baptisms, or the meaning of water baptism
is of no interest to you, then this is probably not the place for you. If you insist, then Be Blessed!:
1. Noah’s type {figurative} baptism (Genesis 6:13, 7:23; 1 Peter 3:20-21).
Peter, the apostle to the circumcision [Jews] (Galatians 2:8), writes to the
“elect strangers” (1 Peter 1:1-2), And mentions to them that eight people
were “saved by water!” Did “water” baptism “save” the Jews (the circumcision)?
2. Baptism unto Moses (Exodus 14:29; 1 Corinthians 10:2).
Paul presents Israel’s baptism unto Moses “in the cloud and in the sea!”
Saving “baptism” or spiritual “identification” with God’s leader of HIS people?
(Israel's various washings! Greek: Baptismos = Hebrews 9:10):
3a. Israel’s ceremonial cleansings
(Exodus 19:14, 30:17-21; Leviticus 11:25; Numbers 19:13).
These cleansing rituals were _required under the Mosaic Law_
for the cleansing of the people.
3b. Traditional Jewish baptisms
(Matthew 15:2; Mark 7:3; Luke 11:38).
These washings were Not mandated under the Law,
but were part of Jewish tradition.
4. Levitical priesthood baptism (Exodus 29:4;
Leviticus 8:6; Numbers 8:7!). This washing was The Second
Requirement {The First being: "NO blemish!" (Leviticus 21:21!)},
in order to become a priest under the Law of Moses!
Is this baptism in any way connected To baptism # 9?
JESUS’ Various Baptisms:
5. JESUS’ Baptism (Identification With/Immersed) Into
the human race, By HIS Birth! (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:5-20!).
6. JESUS’ water Baptism by John (Matthew 3:13-17;
Mark 1:9-11!). JESUS, Who Knew NO sin, Was Baptized by John
to Fulfill All Righteousness! { Identification With "Confessors" of sins,
In Preparation For HIS (Baptismal) Death FOR sin! }
7. JESUS’ Baptism With Fire
(Isaiah 4:4; Malachi 3:3; Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16!).
JESUS Will Baptize the nation of Israel with fire when they are
in Great Tribulation in the Time Of Jacob’s Trouble!
{ Is this also for the “chaff” when separated from the wheat?
(Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17!) }
8. JESUS’ Baptism Unto Death! (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 20:22-23;
Mark 10:38-39, 15:28; Luke 12:50 cp John 18:11!).
JESUS’ Third Baptism Which HE Accomplished On The Cross, Where
HE Was Identified With the sins of Israel, as well as the rest of the world!
{ cp "...HE was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28 KJB!). }
9. "water" baptism of repentance that John preached (Before The Cross),
And Peter continued (After The Cross!), to preach!
(Matthew 3:5-6; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; John 1:31; Luke 7:29-30;
Acts 10:37; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16;
Ezekiel 36:25).
a) Does this baptism “save” anyone (Luke 7:29-30?)?
b1) Is this baptism in any way "connected" to baptism # 4?
b2) Wasn't John preparing National Israel for God's Promise For
them “to be a nation of priests unto God" (Exodus 19:6!)?
b3) Was not The Second Requirement for priesthood induction,
Washing? { may require re-review of baptism #4! }.
b4) Did not CHRIST And The Twelve “heal” everyone in Israel who came to
them, in order to meet “The FIRST Requirement” For the priesthood, that
Of "NO blemish!”? (Matthew 4:24; Acts 5:16 cp Leviticus 21:21!).
c) Is this baptism “for today”? IF this baptism is FOR US Today, we have
Several More Questions:
c1) Why does NO ONE Today, “teach,” as “John ( Under The LAW! ),
Claimed: it is FOR “making CHRIST Manifest To Israel” (John 1:31!)?
c2) Why does {Almost} NO ONE Today, “Confess their sins,”
when they come to This baptism (Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5!)?
c3) Why do not ALL Divided “denominations who WATER baptize” today,
agree AS ONE, And “teach” water as John, CHRIST, And The
Twelve ( Under The LAW! ), “taught” That “water baptism Is FOR The
Remission Of sins!” (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 2:38!).
{ instead of each one’s own “symbolic Re-Interpreted Traditions!” }? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Baptism Of Anointing?:
10. Pentecostal Spirit baptism
This is the baptism "WITH" The Holy Spirit, BY JESUS CHRIST,
From Heaven, Poured Out Upon the believing remnant of Israel with
signs and powers following. (Isaiah 44:3; Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8, 16:17-18;
Luke 24:49; Acts 2:17-18, 38; Acts 8:15-17; Acts 11:16).
And, is not THIS The THIRD Requirement For "priesthood induction" =
Anointing? (compare Exodus 29:7; Leviticus 8:10-12).
Is God Performing "This" Baptism On us TODAY?
11. Gentile baptism(s) of Cornelius (Acts 10:45-48; 15:9-11).
Cornelius was baptized WITH The Holy Spirit as a “sign” from
God to Peter. Peter subsequently baptizes Cornelius and the other
Spirit-filled Gentiles with water. {"Not" saved by _water?_ }
a) WHY Did God "Change The Order" between Acts 2:38 and here?
b) Are THESE baptisms, Required By God, For us (Gentiles), TODAY?:
c) Should not All who "think" they are a priest, Triple Check!:
"What God Says"?
12. Baptism for the dead (1 Corinthians 15:29).
No sound “interpretation” (I don’t think) has yet to be offered for this!
Mormons are kept in “busy bondage” using this obscure verse,
connected with “endless genealogies" #, to supposedly:
SAVE those already passed in death!
This theory Has NO “Scriptural” Basis, As It Is
“appointed once to die, and after that = Judgment!” ##
All sinners need to make the Correct Decision “in THIS life,
BEFORE Death Occurs, as God Has no salvation by proxy!,” Correct?
(# FORBIDDEN = 1 Timothy 1:4; ## death/judgment = Hebrews 9:27!) ========================================================
End of “The Twelve (12) baptisms” Of God’s LAW/Prophetic Program!
Note: The TWELVE "Were SENT" to baptize! (Matthew 28:19!).
Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15!) From "Things That DIFFER!!!"…
...Paul Was "NOT sent" to baptize!! (1 Corinthians 1:17!!).
Begin God's Revelation Of The Mystery {for Jews And Gentiles, Under GRACE}:
For Bible Baptism # 13 see ONE (1) Scriptural Baptism!
is of no interest to you, then this is probably not the place for you. If you insist, then Be Blessed!:
1. Noah’s type {figurative} baptism (Genesis 6:13, 7:23; 1 Peter 3:20-21).
Peter, the apostle to the circumcision [Jews] (Galatians 2:8), writes to the
“elect strangers” (1 Peter 1:1-2), And mentions to them that eight people
were “saved by water!” Did “water” baptism “save” the Jews (the circumcision)?
2. Baptism unto Moses (Exodus 14:29; 1 Corinthians 10:2).
Paul presents Israel’s baptism unto Moses “in the cloud and in the sea!”
Saving “baptism” or spiritual “identification” with God’s leader of HIS people?
(Israel's various washings! Greek: Baptismos = Hebrews 9:10):
3a. Israel’s ceremonial cleansings
(Exodus 19:14, 30:17-21; Leviticus 11:25; Numbers 19:13).
These cleansing rituals were _required under the Mosaic Law_
for the cleansing of the people.
3b. Traditional Jewish baptisms
(Matthew 15:2; Mark 7:3; Luke 11:38).
These washings were Not mandated under the Law,
but were part of Jewish tradition.
4. Levitical priesthood baptism (Exodus 29:4;
Leviticus 8:6; Numbers 8:7!). This washing was The Second
Requirement {The First being: "NO blemish!" (Leviticus 21:21!)},
in order to become a priest under the Law of Moses!
Is this baptism in any way connected To baptism # 9?
JESUS’ Various Baptisms:
5. JESUS’ Baptism (Identification With/Immersed) Into
the human race, By HIS Birth! (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:5-20!).
6. JESUS’ water Baptism by John (Matthew 3:13-17;
Mark 1:9-11!). JESUS, Who Knew NO sin, Was Baptized by John
to Fulfill All Righteousness! { Identification With "Confessors" of sins,
In Preparation For HIS (Baptismal) Death FOR sin! }
7. JESUS’ Baptism With Fire
(Isaiah 4:4; Malachi 3:3; Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16!).
JESUS Will Baptize the nation of Israel with fire when they are
in Great Tribulation in the Time Of Jacob’s Trouble!
{ Is this also for the “chaff” when separated from the wheat?
(Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17!) }
8. JESUS’ Baptism Unto Death! (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 20:22-23;
Mark 10:38-39, 15:28; Luke 12:50 cp John 18:11!).
JESUS’ Third Baptism Which HE Accomplished On The Cross, Where
HE Was Identified With the sins of Israel, as well as the rest of the world!
{ cp "...HE was numbered with the transgressors." (Mark 15:28 KJB!). }
9. "water" baptism of repentance that John preached (Before The Cross),
And Peter continued (After The Cross!), to preach!
(Matthew 3:5-6; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; John 1:31; Luke 7:29-30;
Acts 10:37; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16;
Ezekiel 36:25).
a) Does this baptism “save” anyone (Luke 7:29-30?)?
b1) Is this baptism in any way "connected" to baptism # 4?
b2) Wasn't John preparing National Israel for God's Promise For
them “to be a nation of priests unto God" (Exodus 19:6!)?
b3) Was not The Second Requirement for priesthood induction,
Washing? { may require re-review of baptism #4! }.
b4) Did not CHRIST And The Twelve “heal” everyone in Israel who came to
them, in order to meet “The FIRST Requirement” For the priesthood, that
Of "NO blemish!”? (Matthew 4:24; Acts 5:16 cp Leviticus 21:21!).
c) Is this baptism “for today”? IF this baptism is FOR US Today, we have
Several More Questions:
c1) Why does NO ONE Today, “teach,” as “John ( Under The LAW! ),
Claimed: it is FOR “making CHRIST Manifest To Israel” (John 1:31!)?
c2) Why does {Almost} NO ONE Today, “Confess their sins,”
when they come to This baptism (Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:5!)?
c3) Why do not ALL Divided “denominations who WATER baptize” today,
agree AS ONE, And “teach” water as John, CHRIST, And The
Twelve ( Under The LAW! ), “taught” That “water baptism Is FOR The
Remission Of sins!” (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 2:38!).
{ instead of each one’s own “symbolic Re-Interpreted Traditions!” }? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Baptism Of Anointing?:
10. Pentecostal Spirit baptism
This is the baptism "WITH" The Holy Spirit, BY JESUS CHRIST,
From Heaven, Poured Out Upon the believing remnant of Israel with
signs and powers following. (Isaiah 44:3; Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8, 16:17-18;
Luke 24:49; Acts 2:17-18, 38; Acts 8:15-17; Acts 11:16).
And, is not THIS The THIRD Requirement For "priesthood induction" =
Anointing? (compare Exodus 29:7; Leviticus 8:10-12).
Is God Performing "This" Baptism On us TODAY?
11. Gentile baptism(s) of Cornelius (Acts 10:45-48; 15:9-11).
Cornelius was baptized WITH The Holy Spirit as a “sign” from
God to Peter. Peter subsequently baptizes Cornelius and the other
Spirit-filled Gentiles with water. {"Not" saved by _water?_ }
a) WHY Did God "Change The Order" between Acts 2:38 and here?
b) Are THESE baptisms, Required By God, For us (Gentiles), TODAY?:
c) Should not All who "think" they are a priest, Triple Check!:
"What God Says"?
12. Baptism for the dead (1 Corinthians 15:29).
No sound “interpretation” (I don’t think) has yet to be offered for this!
Mormons are kept in “busy bondage” using this obscure verse,
connected with “endless genealogies" #, to supposedly:
SAVE those already passed in death!
This theory Has NO “Scriptural” Basis, As It Is
“appointed once to die, and after that = Judgment!” ##
All sinners need to make the Correct Decision “in THIS life,
BEFORE Death Occurs, as God Has no salvation by proxy!,” Correct?
(# FORBIDDEN = 1 Timothy 1:4; ## death/judgment = Hebrews 9:27!) ========================================================
End of “The Twelve (12) baptisms” Of God’s LAW/Prophetic Program!
Note: The TWELVE "Were SENT" to baptize! (Matthew 28:19!).
Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15!) From "Things That DIFFER!!!"…
...Paul Was "NOT sent" to baptize!! (1 Corinthians 1:17!!).
Begin God's Revelation Of The Mystery {for Jews And Gentiles, Under GRACE}:
For Bible Baptism # 13 see ONE (1) Scriptural Baptism!
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