Caveat: the articles pasted below are written by Dave Hodges for effect: "If people admitted what was really happening in America, they would be forced to abandon their normalcy bias and take sides. It is so much easier to stay uninformed. Over the next several articles, I am going to make it difficult to stay uninvolved."
Dems Playbook Prompts "Calm Before The Storm"! Hold On & Pray! - AWK Must Video
Sunday, July 18, 2021 10:10
(Natural News) Many people do not want to admit that there are FEMA camps which are awaiting the right dictator to incarcerate dissidents and so-called deplorables. If people admitted what was really happening in America, they would be forced to abandon their normalcy bias and take sides. It is so much easier to stay uninformed. Over the next several articles, I am going to make it difficult to stay uninvolved.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from
If Trump is removed from office, we will likely see a major purge in this country in as little as 12 months from now.
The Purpose of a Political Detention Camp (ie FEMA Camp)
Hitler, Mao, et al., used concentration camps to dispose or re-educate citizens who might not be on board with the totalitarian regime change in their country. An examination of this topic should begin with a simple question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used to round up political detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops and these troops will be under UN control. This document will make this point abundantly clear. The evidence comes from government files.
There are three major elements, related to traditional concentration camps, which is what I allege will occur if the Democrats take over the government:
As was the case with the NAZIS, slave labor will be a part of the landscape as evidenced by the following Army document.
Appendix J
J-20 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010
Commanders must organize and manage detainees in such a manner as to permit the proper and ready employment of each detainee. Establish and maintain a current occupational skill record for each detainee. Include new skills as they are acquired.
Assigning individual detainees to a work detail or job on a regular or permanent basis.
Establishing vocational training projects and encouraging detainees to study and develop needed skills to the maximum extent possible.
Detainee labor may be used to perform the following:
The fact that Obama’s 13603 EO is almost identical to this part of FM 39.4 demonstrates the resolve of the globalists to carry out this plot.
From Executive Order 13603
Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” The key phrase here is: herein granted. Those powers granted to Congress by the States and the People are delineated in Article I, and primarily in Section 8 of the same. Nowhere does the Constitution say that federal agencies can “allocate” all food, energy, water, food and all labor. However, this is precisely what EO 13603 calls for. This EO would be concerning enough. However, this EO turns every American into a slave through the stroke of Obama’s pen, or whatever liberal would follow Obama into the White House. I am of the opinion that Obama was to be followed by Clinton and she would have executed this EO.
Loving Your Enslavement
Point #2: FEMA Camps Are Death Camps
From the aforementioned references, the following passages speaks to how the Army deals with the subject of death as it is related to the concentration camps:
5-69. When a detainee in U.S. custody dies, the attending medical officer will immediately furnish the detention facility commander or hospital commander (or the commander of the unit that exercised custody over the detainee if the death did not occur in a facility) with the -Detainee’s full name. -Detainee’s ISN/capture tag (mandatory). -Date, place, and circumstances of the detainee’s death. -Initial assessment as to whether the detainee’s death was, or was not, the result of the deceased’s own misconduct. -The initial assessment as to the cause of death.
What is interesting about 5-69 is the cause of death is not categorized in any meaningful manner except to say that there is a conscious effort to determine if the death of the inmate was due to “their own actions”.
5-72. …the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is responsible for completing a final DD Form 2064 that will include a statement that “death was (or was not) the result of the deceased’s own misconduct” in the block labeled “Circumstances Surrounding Death Due to External Causes.”
Notice in the above (5-72) that only meaningful categories of inmate death are (1) the detainee’s own misconduct and (2) death due to external causes. What about natural causes?
5-73. The NRDC will notify the ICRC of all detainee deaths. The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of hostilities or occupation, for the duration of any other military operation, or as otherwise directed. When authorized, the NDRC will archive detainee DD Forms 2064.
There is a key phrase that goes unnoticed. the phrase is “The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of the hostilities or occupation…”
In other words, there will be no Nuremberg trials for genocide because the records will be not be permanently maintained (i.e. destroyed).
Again, it is stunning that for a manual which spells out, in detail, every possible consideration of how detainees will be handled, they omit the disposal of dead bodies. Will there be a military regulation that nobody can drop dead in the camp of a heart attack? Or, is this because except for the occasional spontaneous death, the Army seems very unconcerned about disposing of dead bodies at a facility of mass detention? I can only come to one conclusion, most of the deaths associated with the detainees, will not occur at the facility itself and this explains why the Army is seemingly unconcerned with this issue. In other words, people will be taken for extermination to a secondary site. Is that why the 2015 converted Walmarts are located near railroad tracks? As just mentioned, these facts opens a whole host of possibilities. Are the unhealthy going to be transported to a tertiary facility to be humanely treated while their medical conditions will be treated? I think it is fairly easy to see where I am going with this. Former FEMA official, Celeste Solum, has stated that this is unquestionably true. Can we really expect the “authorities” who have committed an inhumane act by incarcerating people for no legitimate reason to suddenly discover their conscience and treat the infirm with compassion and dignity? Death camp deniers have to go to extraordinary lengths to defend their hear no evil, see no evil opinion related to this topic.
The Land of Chaz Seems to Indicate What Is Coming
Recent statements coming out of the George Soros sponsored Antifa terrorists, occupying the former American city of Seattle now called Chaz, have recently had some very disturbing comments recently coming out of the occupied, so-called “autonomous zone”. I have recently covered the statements of Chaz occupiers with regard to comments about (1) rounding up all white people in the occupation zone; and, (2) strongly implied that all non-compliant people, with regard to Antifa policies, will be beheaded.
Dems Playbook Prompts "Calm Before The Storm"! Hold On & Pray! - AWK Must Video
Sunday, July 18, 2021 10:10

(Natural News) Many people do not want to admit that there are FEMA camps which are awaiting the right dictator to incarcerate dissidents and so-called deplorables. If people admitted what was really happening in America, they would be forced to abandon their normalcy bias and take sides. It is so much easier to stay uninformed. Over the next several articles, I am going to make it difficult to stay uninvolved.
(Article by Dave Hodges republished from
If Trump is removed from office, we will likely see a major purge in this country in as little as 12 months from now.
The Purpose of a Political Detention Camp (ie FEMA Camp)
Hitler, Mao, et al., used concentration camps to dispose or re-educate citizens who might not be on board with the totalitarian regime change in their country. An examination of this topic should begin with a simple question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used to round up political detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops and these troops will be under UN control. This document will make this point abundantly clear. The evidence comes from government files.
There are three major elements, related to traditional concentration camps, which is what I allege will occur if the Democrats take over the government:
- FEMA Camps are slave labor camps
- FEMA Camps are intended death camps
- FEMA Camps will eventually be run for foreign troops under UN control who will be willing to do to Americans, what American soldiers might not be willing to do.
As was the case with the NAZIS, slave labor will be a part of the landscape as evidenced by the following Army document.
Appendix J
J-20 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010
Commanders must organize and manage detainees in such a manner as to permit the proper and ready employment of each detainee. Establish and maintain a current occupational skill record for each detainee. Include new skills as they are acquired.
Assigning individual detainees to a work detail or job on a regular or permanent basis.
Establishing vocational training projects and encouraging detainees to study and develop needed skills to the maximum extent possible.
Detainee labor may be used to perform the following:
- Camp administration and installation maintenance.
- Agricultural work.
- Public works, public utilities, and building operations that have no military character or purpose.
- Transportation and handling of stores that are not military in nature or purpose.
- Domestic service
The fact that Obama’s 13603 EO is almost identical to this part of FM 39.4 demonstrates the resolve of the globalists to carry out this plot.
From Executive Order 13603
Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” The key phrase here is: herein granted. Those powers granted to Congress by the States and the People are delineated in Article I, and primarily in Section 8 of the same. Nowhere does the Constitution say that federal agencies can “allocate” all food, energy, water, food and all labor. However, this is precisely what EO 13603 calls for. This EO would be concerning enough. However, this EO turns every American into a slave through the stroke of Obama’s pen, or whatever liberal would follow Obama into the White House. I am of the opinion that Obama was to be followed by Clinton and she would have executed this EO.
Loving Your Enslavement
Point #2: FEMA Camps Are Death Camps
From the aforementioned references, the following passages speaks to how the Army deals with the subject of death as it is related to the concentration camps:
5-69. When a detainee in U.S. custody dies, the attending medical officer will immediately furnish the detention facility commander or hospital commander (or the commander of the unit that exercised custody over the detainee if the death did not occur in a facility) with the -Detainee’s full name. -Detainee’s ISN/capture tag (mandatory). -Date, place, and circumstances of the detainee’s death. -Initial assessment as to whether the detainee’s death was, or was not, the result of the deceased’s own misconduct. -The initial assessment as to the cause of death.
What is interesting about 5-69 is the cause of death is not categorized in any meaningful manner except to say that there is a conscious effort to determine if the death of the inmate was due to “their own actions”.
5-72. …the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is responsible for completing a final DD Form 2064 that will include a statement that “death was (or was not) the result of the deceased’s own misconduct” in the block labeled “Circumstances Surrounding Death Due to External Causes.”
Notice in the above (5-72) that only meaningful categories of inmate death are (1) the detainee’s own misconduct and (2) death due to external causes. What about natural causes?
5-73. The NRDC will notify the ICRC of all detainee deaths. The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of hostilities or occupation, for the duration of any other military operation, or as otherwise directed. When authorized, the NDRC will archive detainee DD Forms 2064.
There is a key phrase that goes unnoticed. the phrase is “The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of the hostilities or occupation…”
In other words, there will be no Nuremberg trials for genocide because the records will be not be permanently maintained (i.e. destroyed).
Again, it is stunning that for a manual which spells out, in detail, every possible consideration of how detainees will be handled, they omit the disposal of dead bodies. Will there be a military regulation that nobody can drop dead in the camp of a heart attack? Or, is this because except for the occasional spontaneous death, the Army seems very unconcerned about disposing of dead bodies at a facility of mass detention? I can only come to one conclusion, most of the deaths associated with the detainees, will not occur at the facility itself and this explains why the Army is seemingly unconcerned with this issue. In other words, people will be taken for extermination to a secondary site. Is that why the 2015 converted Walmarts are located near railroad tracks? As just mentioned, these facts opens a whole host of possibilities. Are the unhealthy going to be transported to a tertiary facility to be humanely treated while their medical conditions will be treated? I think it is fairly easy to see where I am going with this. Former FEMA official, Celeste Solum, has stated that this is unquestionably true. Can we really expect the “authorities” who have committed an inhumane act by incarcerating people for no legitimate reason to suddenly discover their conscience and treat the infirm with compassion and dignity? Death camp deniers have to go to extraordinary lengths to defend their hear no evil, see no evil opinion related to this topic.
The Land of Chaz Seems to Indicate What Is Coming
Recent statements coming out of the George Soros sponsored Antifa terrorists, occupying the former American city of Seattle now called Chaz, have recently had some very disturbing comments recently coming out of the occupied, so-called “autonomous zone”. I have recently covered the statements of Chaz occupiers with regard to comments about (1) rounding up all white people in the occupation zone; and, (2) strongly implied that all non-compliant people, with regard to Antifa policies, will be beheaded.