Okay, I'm through 90% of it; here are my thoughts.
First, it could've been a four-hour video and still made all the points he intended to make. Much of it's repetitive but he does drive home his points. It focuses on three of the major players involved in the making of the series. Most of what's revealed is pretty eye-opening but it shouldn't be considering the times we're in. I'll give my thoughts on each one below.
1. Dallas Jenkins (Creator, Writer, Director): Jenkins is the sole "evangelical" in the whole thing. I put evangelical in quotes because his whole intent from the beginning seems to be ecumenism.
Jenkins has a tattoo on his arm of the logo of his former church, Harvest Bible Chapel. This church has become infamous recently with the ousting of its founder James McDonald. McDonald was reported for trying to hire a hitman to kill his former son-in-law; then he was caught on a mic he didn't know was hot saying he was going to put child porn on the guy's computer. Harvest has several campuses so I'm not sure if Jenkins was directly involved with McDonald; but I can't imagine he wasn't since he (Jenkins) launched Vertical Church Films for Harvest as a vehicle for producing Christian feature films. The video has some interesting footage of McDonald speaking to his congregation; his behavior can be described bizarre at best.
Jenkins himself is an admitted porn addict. My personal impression of him as I watched the footage of him was he seems dead inside. Looking in his eyes I don't see anything, only deadness. I've heard people say this but this is the first time I can honestly say I saw this in a person. Another strictly personal opinion is that he looks like someone who probably consumes too much alcohol.
To say he's in it for the money is an understatement. Clip after clip shows him hawking Chosen merchandise. At one point he says:
"(unintelligible) more and more content, 'cause this is not just a show. This is like a movement, this is a relationship, this is a family; so we're giving you tons and tons of stuff. Our goal is a billion people around the world. . .that is our goal."—Starting at 2:44:05, emphasis added.
He seems to cater his responses to questions based on his audience. Sometimes he downplays any connection to ministry saying it's just entertainment and claiming to never change anything in the Bible, only fill in "missing" content. At other times he says The Chosen represents the "authentic" Jesus.
2. Jonathan Roumi (Actor, Jesus): Roumi is an outspoken and unapologetic Roman Catholic. His intent is also clearly ecumenical. He's involved in the New Age and promotes New Age authors and mystics. A lot could be said about him but I'll simply say a lot of his behavior off camera borders on the strange. He's achieved somewhat of an cult following who literally see him as Jesus. Roumi himself doesn't do or say anything to downplay this but goes out of his way to encourage it.
3. VidAngel (Producers, Marketing, Distribution): All that really has to be said about VidAngel is that they are owned and operated by LDS. Many Mormons are involved in The Chosen. It seems clear to me their involvement is motivated by $$$ not an accurate portrayal of the Biblical Christ; and to promote the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS. In some of the interviews with Dallas Jenkins he can be heard saying he doesn't really want to become too well-known.
This is my brief analysis. Much more could be said but to me it's more clear than ever that the two driving motivations behind this production are $$$ and ecumenism. It doesn't represent the true Jesus or his disciples in any manner, shape or form.