Trump: I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking Black jobs.
Interviewer: What exactly is a "Black job", sir?
Trump: A "Black job" is anybody that has a job.
Interviewer: What exactly is a "Black job", sir?
Trump: A "Black job" is anybody that has a job.

I am for LEGAL immigration only. Having said that, I have been told how homicidal these illegal immigrants are for years. When someone gave me a study showing illegal immigrants are 44.8% LESS likely to commit homicide than a native-born American, I had my doubts and wanted to fact-check it. Upon looking at the data by the Cato Institute, I was quite surprised that my original perception doesn't match actual data. This doesn't mean I'm for open boarders, but I'm realizing I was force-fed race-baiting arguments, which aren't even accurate.
I don't want this to be a "but what about Kamala and/or the left..." derailment. So, I ask that you stay engaged on this OP and feel free to make a new thread addressing the "so-and-so" on the left you want to blast. In other words, I don't want this thread obfuscated please. Most of us here aren't in alignment with them. Discuss if you think Trump is or isn't using the race card, if you're surprised and/or agree by the data which illustrates illegal immigrants are 44.8% less likely to commit homicide, etc...
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