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Mar 1, 2021
Wow you are a jerk, on top of having zero understanding of the human condition because you have been engaged in cognitive dissonance for far too long. Please don't advise anyone who is struggling and reaching out for help.
OK I'm convinced you are just a troll now, seeking a argument. Bye
Feb 19, 2021
Hello Forgiveness, new member here. (Caution: I'm a Quaker.)

But one thing that has created a wedge between me and God is my addiction to porn.
That is a good and pertinent question.

Allow me, as a man who knows what porn addiction is like, to put in my 2 cents. Of course I can not know whether my experiences and point of view will be helpful to you, all I can do is offer my 2 cents.

I think you basically already answered your own question and already pinpointed the way out of the problem, namely the way out is to realize that it is an ADDICTION.

Now consider what addiction is. An addiction is something that has taken hold of you against your better judgment. Your conscious mind knows that it is not beneficial to you, but the "lower, animal part" of your brain is HOOKED. And is hooked so throroughly that despite the fact that your "better self" is crying out against it, still you can not free yourself of the addiction.

The thing to realize is that you (like everyone else) have this lower, "animal" part inside your brain. It is the "reptile brain", the part of the brain that mindlessly reacts to primal impulses. And part of the reptile brain of MEN is this vulnerability to porn, to the pure flesh of sexy women.

So given that, now realize the situation. There is this porn coming from outside, that against your better judgment is keeping you hooked. What this porn is doing, is it DELIBERATELY TARGETS that vulnerable spot in you. Porn is DELIBERATELY CONSTRUCTED to do this.

I think all teenage girls probably get to know this vulnerable spot in men pretty early on. A pretty girl only has to flash a thigh or lower the neckline to drive men completely nuts. This is a power that sexy women have over men, a power that is susceptible to being misused, not only by women themselves, but also by these agencies or companies (probably mostly run by men) who produce porn.

Individual women (of the evil kind) use this vulnerability in men to hook them and to manipulate them. But the women who do this, I am completely sure that these women are conscious that what they are doing is MANIPULATION. They are women who, having found this weak spot in men, are then going on and misusing it for the purpose of manipulation.

The companies that produce porn are using this same weak spot in men to do the same, namely to MANIPULATE you. In the case of porn it is for the purpose of commercial gain -- namely those ads that porn sites are permeated with. Your animal side is being misused to keep you hooked on the porn, and to keep you hooked at continuing to visit porn sites forever, because they have got you addicted.

Another key thing to realize is that LOVE is not SEX. With the word "Sex", I mean carnal lust (as in porn). And with the word "Love", I of course mean Christian Love, the Love that Jesus has told us about, the opposite of the mind-set of hatred and narcissism. Love for other people simply because they are also human beings, who like yourself also have this Spark of God inside them.

So now pause and reflect. On the one side we have carnal lust, which is of the flesh. On the one side we have Love, which is of the Spirit. Now the key thing that will get you out of the porn addiction is to discover for yourself that Love is much much better than carnal lust, including also that Love gives you A MUCH BETTER FEELING than carnal lust. This FEELING of Love will get you out of the addiction that porn has chained your animal brain to.

The feeling of Love is one of pure Light and Goodness, it will make your spirit soar, and it will also become an "addiction" but in a good way, an addiction to Goodness, an addiction with which your "higher self" is totally in accordance. The "addiction" to Love is the right way of being, in which there is no longer the conflict between the lower animal self and the "higher brain". Metaphorically speaking, you have found Paradise, but note that Paradise is first of all of the Spirit, more than of the flesh.

Compare this with the addiction to porn, where your "lower self" is in CONFLICT with your "higher self". You are all twisted up inside. The addiction that your lower self is chained to is not in accordance with the things your higher brain is craving.

One thing that helped me get out of porn addiction is to realize deeply that porn is manipulation, it is people DELIBERATELY TRYING to hook you. People who are so evil that they do not feel compunction in MISUSING this weak spot in men in order to make you into an addict and totally ruin your life, for the sole purpose of selling a few more ads. So therefore that is truly Evil. In porn, you are staring Evil in the face. Porn is what the Devil looks like. The Devil is alluring, is deliberately creating an alluring image, for the sole purpose of luring you in and trapping you. Creating an alluring external is what all manipulators and con men do. The very fact that it is so alluring to your animal brain, that it is images/videos that GRAB and HOOK your animal self despite your higher self protesting, that very fact itself directly and immediately tells you that it is the Devil. That carnal, animal brain alluringness, so deliberately wielded as a manipulative instrument, that very thing is exactly what the Devil looks like. The Devil does not look like a gruesome horned beast, but looks like porn.

And another word about women. I believe that good women will never misuse this weak spot in men. Good women, meaning women who are NOT manipulators, do not behave like porn starlets. Because behaving in that way is manipulation. And good women do not enjoy manipulating people (same as good men likewise do not enjoy manipulating people). The image of women in porn is totally twisted, and it is an image of women that is an artificial creation (like also the image of women in most modern films and tv series is twisted and artificial). Good women (Christian women) are looking not for porn addicts, but are looking for GOOD men, meaning men who have succeeded in coming away from addiction and consumerism and all that shit, men who have found the Spirit and who have found God, men who have found out that Love is not weakness but strength. Real life, the life that will give you fulfillment, is of the Spirit.


That was a good read, and thank you for your words of encouragement.

I probably cant respond to every suggestion but I will do my best. I know I'm forgiven, its just hard to imagine God forgiving me. I dont feel I deserve to be forgiven much of the time. There are times I absolutely hate myself, wishing harm on myself for doing the things I've done. But I forgive myself. My life changed when I forgave people, and when God gave me His Spirit. Everything changed for me when that happened, which is why I used the name Forgiveness. It is one of the most powerful expressions I think of humility.

My problem is that I will sit in front of the computer TV, and watch youtube or play games in the winter alot and being I hate the cold and snow, it makes it worse. I'm lazy at times too. My only hobby is bicycling endurance road style, and my bike has been at a body shop for over a year now. So not being able to do the hobby I love has really taken its tole on me mentally and physically.

I'm glad I drug you back to the forums, this is new to me, and I found this forum on a whim. I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me to search google for it, just for these encounters. I have a couple of friends but they dont visit or respond all the time so things are difficult for me.

As for the scripture you refered to me, it helped me alot, and if I'm ever at that point where I am being tormented or reminded of my filth I will come here and read your comment and then the bible verses. It is refreshing to see how much care and time you put into your responce and I really dont have the words to describe how I feel, I just appreciate it. By the way I have a youtube channel. I post video testimony of several dreams I've had.
Hi, Forgiveness.

First of all, thanks for your service.

I've literally spoken to tens of thousands of US Veterans over the years, from all branches of the Military, and, in fact, I used to sell that hat that you're wearing in the video that you posted.

As far as what you said in your video is concerned, the Bible does seem to indicate that saints of God will be involved as witnesses of some sort on the day of judgment.

For example, Jesus said:

Matthew chapter 12

[41] The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
[42] The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

I've often meditated on these verses as I've thought about the thousands (literally) of different people I've known who have rejected the gospel that I've presented to them (hopefully, some of them have since repented, but I know that many of them, including many of my own family members, have not) while thinking that I might actually be called as a witness to testify against them on Judgment Day. It truly "is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10:31).

I don't say this to make you feel bad or anything, but I think that you gave the wrong Bible reference in your video. Whereas you mentioned Galatians chapter 5, I think that you were actually talking about I Corinthians chapter 6, where we read:

I Corinthians chapter 6

[9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
[10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
[11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Last, but certainly not least, I know, firsthand, what you're talking about in relation to the whole porn situation. When I was about 12 years old, I found a "Playboy" magazine that had been left behind by an older brother of mine who had moved out. From the time that I first opened its pages and viewed what was inside until the time that I got saved approximately 15 years later, I was heavily addicted to porn. When I became a Christian, my problem with porn didn't go away. I was immediately delivered from a whole host of other things, like an 11 year addiction to different types of drugs, but I still had a very strong problem with lusting after women, even though I knew that it was wrong. I devoured the scriptures, fellowshipped with other believers as many as 5 days a week, renewed my mind, prayed, etc., etc., etc., and my problem still persisted. IN MY PARTICULAR CASE (your situation might be different), God ultimately showed me that I had demons inside of me that I had given place to, and that they were basically fulfilling their lusts or desires through my members, and I didn't find victory until the time came that those demons were cast out of me. I know that a lot of people claim that a Christian cannot have a demon, but I totally disagree scripturally, personally (in that I had them myself), and even further personally in that I've been used by God on several different occasions to cast demons out of other believers. My purpose in mentioning this is NOT to get into a doctrinal battle with anybody here, but rather to simply suggest that you ask God if this might be the reason for part of your own struggle. If it is, then God will be faithful to show you, and to also ultimately deliver you.

Anyhow, I'm happy that I got to see your video because it seems as if you truly have a heart for the Lord and others.

Have a blessed day.
Mar 1, 2021
Hi, Forgiveness.

First of all, thanks for your service.

I've literally spoken to tens of thousands of US Veterans over the years, from all branches of the Military, and, in fact, I used to sell that hat that you're wearing in the video that you posted.

As far as what you said in your video is concerned, the Bible does seem to indicate that saints of God will be involved as witnesses of some sort on the day of judgment.

For example, Jesus said:

Matthew chapter 12

[41] The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
[42] The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

I've often meditated on these verses as I've thought about the thousands (literally) of different people I've known who have rejected the gospel that I've presented to them (hopefully, some of them have since repented, but I know that many of them, including many of my own family members, have not) while thinking that I might actually be called as a witness to testify against them on Judgment Day. It truly "is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10:31).

I don't say this to make you feel bad or anything, but I think that you gave the wrong Bible reference in your video. Whereas you mentioned Galatians chapter 5, I think that you were actually talking about I Corinthians chapter 6, where we read:

I Corinthians chapter 6

[9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
[10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
[11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Last, but certainly not least, I know, firsthand, what you're talking about in relation to the whole porn situation. When I was about 12 years old, I found a "Playboy" magazine that had been left behind by an older brother of mine who had moved out. From the time that I first opened its pages and viewed what was inside until the time that I got saved approximately 15 years later, I was heavily addicted to porn. When I became a Christian, my problem with porn didn't go away. I was immediately delivered from a whole host of other things, like an 11 year addiction to different types of drugs, but I still had a very strong problem with lusting after women, even though I knew that it was wrong. I devoured the scriptures, fellowshipped with other believers as many as 5 days a week, renewed my mind, prayed, etc., etc., etc., and my problem still persisted. IN MY PARTICULAR CASE (your situation might be different), God ultimately showed me that I had demons inside of me that I had given place to, and that they were basically fulfilling their lusts or desires through my members, and I didn't find victory until the time came that those demons were cast out of me. I know that a lot of people claim that a Christian cannot have a demon, but I totally disagree scripturally, personally (in that I had them myself), and even further personally in that I've been used by God on several different occasions to cast demons out of other believers. My purpose in mentioning this is NOT to get into a doctrinal battle with anybody here, but rather to simply suggest that you ask God if this might be the reason for part of your own struggle. If it is, then God will be faithful to show you, and to also ultimately deliver you.

Anyhow, I'm happy that I got to see your video because it seems as if you truly have a heart for the Lord and others.

Have a blessed day.
Sorry for my late response, I get overwhelmed easily and feel semi-depressed when I have to read alot, which is why I am slow to respond to many comments.

As far as demons, I believe you are correct, that even believers with the Holy Spirit, born again can still be possessed by very powerful demons. In fact I know so that I have demons but I am weak Spiritual, and I love food so fasting is very difficult for me. I give up too easily and sometimes at night, just after I fall asleep, there have been times where when I am weak and vulnerable, my body will move on its own and doing perverted things. I will eventually understand what I am doing and stop myself but the flesh becomes desperate.

I used to listen to Derek Prince sermons too so I have an understanding of how demons operate. But I don't know anyone who can cast demons out of me. I struggled for years searching for people who could but I eventually gave up.


New member
Mar 5, 2021
Hello my friend, try to be rid of those demons yourself, pray, tell God what you want to do then forcefully tell them you rebuke them and point to your door and yell get out get strongly out pointing to the door, i
rebuke you in Jesus name,i am covered by the blood, say it a few times see how you feel inside..
Be well and be blessed. Liz.
Mar 1, 2021
Hello my friend, try to be rid of those demons yourself, pray, tell God what you want to do then forcefully tell them you rebuke them and point to your door and yell get out get strongly out pointing to the door, i
rebuke you in Jesus name,i am covered by the blood, say it a few times see how you feel inside..
Be well and be blessed. Liz.
I've ever that MANY times in this past, countless times and it NEVER worked. Being that it never seemed to work, I gave up, and just accepted that these demons will probably be in me till the day I die. Unless I meet someone who has experience casting out demons. This hurt my faith severely and I became very angry with God.

I trusted God, but this nearly destroyed my faith, and I considered killing myself many times too.


I've ever that MANY times in this past, countless times and it NEVER worked. Being that it never seemed to work, I gave up, and just accepted that these demons will probably be in me till the day I die. Unless I meet someone who has experience casting out demons. This hurt my faith severely and I became very angry with God.

I trusted God, but this nearly destroyed my faith, and I considered killing myself many times too.
May I ask what state you live in?

I read your profile, and you mentioned a trip to Fl (Florida?).

Is that where you live?

I live in PA.

I'm just wondering if I could ever pray for you, and that's why I'm asking.


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2016
I've ever that MANY times in this past, countless times and it NEVER worked. Being that it never seemed to work, I gave up, and just accepted that these demons will probably be in me till the day I die. Unless I meet someone who has experience casting out demons. This hurt my faith severely and I became very angry with God.

I trusted God, but this nearly destroyed my faith, and I considered killing myself many times too.
You DO have control of what goes into your mind. You CAN choose. Listen to those thoughts that run like tapes all day long in your head, and know you CAN choose to change the tape. It needs to be done on a subconscious level, and you CAN learn how those tapes are in the subconscious and learn how to reach them. You have the net that gives you access to good information, it is like a huge library. Just choose books from reliable sources, not advertisements or cults.

As you are in a very quiet state in front of the TV, you are feeding information to the subconscious that runs those awful tapes of yours. They are no fun at all, why not change the tape? It is your choice.

The words of the Lord as scripture is are good reliable thoughts you can choose, and I promise that thoughts of suicide cannot compare with scripture as a good thought to allow the mind to use.

Here is a challenge, much pleasanter than suicide. Memorize the 23rd psalm. Then sit in a wood chair, comfortable, and repeat it with your eyes closed and with pictures. See yourself as being led by the Lord, as in a green pasture sort of place, see God restoring your soul. etc. Thoughts with only words are superficial, visualize as you think.

Do the same with the Lord's Prayer.


New member
Mar 5, 2021
How awful for you, you must have had great sorrow about something in your past.
i am in the uk let me know what country you live in. Don’t let those demons in tonight .
keep a cross with you they hate it,hold it high. I will talk to you tomorrow.good night
You DO have control of what goes into your mind. You CAN choose. Listen to those thoughts that run like tapes all day long in your head, and know you CAN choose to change the tape. It needs to be done on a subconscious level, and you CAN learn how those tapes are in the subconscious and learn how to reach them. You have the net that gives you access to good information, it is like a huge library. Just choose books from reliable sources, not advertisements or cults.

As you are in a very quiet state in front of the TV, you are feeding information to the subconscious that runs those awful tapes of yours. They are no fun at all, why not change the tape? It is your choice.

The words of the Lord as scripture is are good reliable thoughts you can choose, and I promise that thoughts of suicide cannot compare with scripture as a good thought to allow the mind to use.

Here is a challenge, much pleasanter than suicide. Memorize the 23rd psalm. Then sit in a wood chair, comfortable, and repeat it with your eyes closed and with pictures. See yourself as being led by the Lord, as in a green pasture sort of place, see God restoring your soul. etc. Thoughts with only words are superficial, visualize as you think.

Do the same with the Lord's Prayer.
You DO have control of what goes into your mind. You CAN choose. Listen to those thoughts that run like tapes all day long in your head, and know you CAN choose to change the tape. It needs to be done on a subconscious level, and you CAN learn how those tapes are in the subconscious and learn how to reach them. You have the net that gives you access to good information, it is like a huge library. Just choose books from reliable sources, not advertisements or cults.

As you are in a very quiet state in front of the TV, you are feeding information to the subconscious that runs those awful tapes of yours. They are no fun at all, why not change the tape? It is your choice.

The words of the Lord as scripture is are good reliable thoughts you can choose, and I promise that thoughts of suicide cannot compare with scripture as a good thought to allow the mind to use.

Here is a challenge, much pleasanter than suicide. Memorize the 23rd psalm. Then sit in a wood chair, comfortable, and repeat it with your eyes closed and with pictures. See yourself as being led by the Lord, as in a green pasture sort of place, see God restoring your soul. etc. Thoughts with only words are superficial, visualize as you think.

Do the same with the Lord's Prayer.
You DO have control of what goes into your mind. You CAN choose. Listen to those thoughts that run like tapes all day long in your head, and know you CAN choose to change the tape. It needs to be done on a subconscious level, and you CAN learn how those tapes are in the subconscious and learn how to reach them. You have the net that gives you access to good information, it is like a huge library. Just choose books from reliable sources, not advertisements or cults.

As you are in a very quiet state in front of the TV, you are feeding information to the subconscious that runs those awful tapes of yours. They are no fun at all, why not change the tape? It is your choice.

The words of the Lord as scripture is are good reliable thoughts you can choose, and I promise that thoughts of suicide cannot compare with scripture as a good thought to allow the mind to use.

Here is a challenge, much pleasanter than suicide. Memorize the 23rd psalm. Then sit in a wood chair, comfortable, and repeat it with your eyes closed and with pictures. See yourself as being led by the Lord, as in a green pasture sort of place, see God restoring your soul. etc. Thoughts with only words are superficial, visualize as you think.

Do the same with the Lord's Prayer.
Very well put bilk,all that was in my head just couldn’t put it all into words.
Mar 1, 2021
May I ask what state you live in?

I read your profile, and you mentioned a trip to Fl (Florida?).

Is that where you live?

I live in PA.

I'm just wondering if I could ever pray for you, and that's why I'm asking.
I live in PA too. Sorry I don't like reading much and when I come here And if it takes more than 3 minutes to read something, I just shut down, I get depressed, impatient, and I get super tired.


I live in PA too. Sorry I don't like reading much and when I come here And if it takes more than 3 minutes to read something, I just shut down, I get depressed, impatient, and I get super tired.
No need to apologize.

Do you live anywhere near the Poconos?
Mar 1, 2021
I feel totally ill-equipped to be speaking up here, so forgive me for putting in my 5c, but it seems we need to put a little grace in the mix.

I do believe that Forgiveness here was making a confession and getting something off his chest, which I might add was very BRAVE to do on a public forum (and I commend and respect you for that, @Forgiveness). That takes guts and sincerity. And seeing as we represent the Body of Christ here, he was more presenting himself to Christ than to us... He wasn't actually asking us for advice as much as, in humility, confessing his sins. Forgive me, brother, for trying to fix them for you.

As I write, I am reminded of the parable that Jesus told about the Publican and the Pharisee who went to pray. The publican beat his breast and repented because he knew his sins and shortcomings only too well.

The Pharisee stood there and thanked the Lord that he wasn't like him, stuck in sin...

The amazing thing is that the Publican left forgiven -- and may I add, returned to his job the next day, just as often we return to our sins. Yet God did not judge him for where He was bound, but FORGAVE him because of his true repentance... And when he sinned again and returned to the Temple with true repentance, he found forgiveness again (77 x 7 times, perhaps?? :unsure:)

(Please don't get me wrong, I am not condoning sin, and especially willful sin, but I am merely saying that the Lord sees us in our struggles, sees our repentant hearts and gives us grace to break free of those cycles. But in the event of stuffing up again (as I know all too well happens for myself despite my best efforts!), He gives us mercy when we come with true repentance.)

I don't want to stand as a Pharisee here because I might not be guilty of this particular sin. I have my own sins that I struggle to break free of. Can the brother (or sister) who is guilty of anger judge another for being guilty of porn? Are they not both in the same list? Different sin, but same bondage. We both need grace to set us free, not laws of do's and dont's. We all should know too well by now that the Law is the strength of sin.

Forgiveness, I will pray for you, that the One who has the power to save both of us from our iniquities would do so.

I mean afterall, aren't we leading up to the Feast of Passover (Easter) where Jesus dealt with our sins? Let's enter in!!!
Perhaps you are in the Spirit, dear brother Forgiveness, where we are in the middle of Lent - a time of repentance and sorrow over sins. Stay there, stare at it, acknowledge your utter inability to set yourself free -- and REJOICE that HOPE and HELP is on it's way! Let's live Passover as though we were there, because we were... let's die with Christ on Friday with all our sins and iniquities on board, and be RAISED with Him on Sunday, GLORIOUSLY NEW, GLORIOUSLY FREE!! Can we believe it? Can we lay hold of it? I'm willing to try...

Thanks for putting me in touch with where I'm at, Forgiveness, for daring to speak up. I don't want this opportunity to pass me by, but like the woman with the issue of blood, maybe this Easter/Passover is the edge of the garment where, BY FAITH, I can connect with Christ??

Oh Lord Jesus! I pray that you would do this for all who are willing to trust You! Set us free of our sins, our iniquities and our bondages so that we can walk in the Freedom you bought for us! Let us enter in to the Cross experience BY FAITH and leave our baggage there... Help us to lay HOLD of the truth, which is that YOU and ONLY YOU can set us free!! And receive the GRACE that you released to us. Let your Salvation come to our lives, and especially for our dear brother Forgiveness, as He has come to You with this. Thank You, for our brother, Lord, and I pray that You would set him free; that he would be a testimony of the power of your grace.
That was a bit of a read, and I planned to read all of it eventually. Like I mentioned, I am not a big reader. I fact I dread reading alot but I came here for friendly chat, fellowship, and maybe answers or inspiration to help me overcome this horrible obstacle. I am just down on myself.

I hate my sin but I know demons play a huge part of many things I've regret. I am just tired and sick of being defeated in this war, and honestly I haven't been doing myself any favors by giving up, or listening to the enemy.


I live 3 hrs from there.
I'm just mentioning this as a possiblity...no pressure whatsoever.

If you'd ever like to get together for Christian fellowship and/or prayer, then I wouldn't mind driving the 3 hours (assuming that my car is okay...it's in the shop at the moment) to do so.
Mar 1, 2021
I'm just mentioning this as a possiblity...no pressure whatsoever.

If you'd ever like to get together for Christian fellowship and/or prayer, then I wouldn't mind driving the 3 hours (assuming that my car is okay...it's in the shop at the moment) to do so.
Fun as that may sound, I don't trust people, even people I know in person. The only way I would ever agree to something like that is if we met in public and I held a gun pointed at your face the entire time we talked.

I have seen things that would sound like they came right of a best selling novel. And if I wrote a book on the things I've seen, it would be a best seller for decades. If you are into Sci-fi horror films.

I am so paranoid I literally walk to bathroom with my ar-15 loaded with the safety off. Anytime I leave my seat, my gun is in reaching distance at all times. Infact I have rehersed many hundreds of times in my head what I would do if someone broke into my house, a plan to grab my Barret 50 cal, put water melon size holes in the intruders, and escape from the window.


Fun as that may sound, I don't trust people, even people I know in person. The only way I would ever agree to something like that is if we met in public and I held a gun pointed at your face the entire time we talked.

I have seen things that would sound like they came right of a best selling novel. And if I wrote a book on the things I've seen, it would be a best seller for decades. If you are into Sci-fi horror films.

I am so paranoid I literally walk to bathroom with my ar-15 loaded with the safety off. Anytime I leave my seat, my gun is in reaching distance at all times. Infact I have rehersed many hundreds of times in my head what I would do if someone broke into my house, a plan to grab my Barret 50 cal, put water melon size holes in the intruders, and escape from the window.
I'll take that as a "no"...lol.

No worries.