I understand, it is not an easy thing to just drop and forget and put out for the garbage man to take away. Here is a little encouragement from Psalms 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
So meditate on this, he is there for you always. Sometimes it is hard to rely on someone you can not see, but those who see, cannot see and are blind to the Love that is all around us. If you avoid contact for this person whom you are so brokenhearted about, time will heal all wounds in your heart. Let him be, and maybe he will realize what he had and you can prove you don't need him either. If he comes back, he is the one who is not strong. If he never does, thank God for educating you about how love can hurt. He can be preparing your heart for something much bigger and he is building your immune system in love. Some day you will look back and say to yourself, "Thank God I didn't marry him, cuz he brought someone else into my life that I could not live without." Stay strong and trust in what you cannot see but can feel inside where it counts.