I think we need to put some myths to bed....

In all my years as a midwife, I never witnessed any 'un-toward' behaviour. When a woman is giving birth, being examined etc by an Ob/Gynae its for a specific medical purpose. She is not their for sexual intimacy. Yes, there may be some....we know there are some doctors, who do take advantage and its a criminal offence. End of. The danger that this OP raises could take some people down a radical and dangerous path. In some countries today women are not allowed to speak on the radio, in some countries women are not allowed out the home unless accompanied by a man, not allowed to drive, be educated. In some countries women are denied adequate medical care and attention for exactly the reason and that they cannot be seen by a man and of course.....there are no women doctors FOR the very same reason!!! These countries / religions prohibit a woman from working outside the home etc, accessing such education. We need to be sensible...not fundemental

Nice to hear from a medical professional.
Sex is one of those things though, everything that's 'to do with it', can easily cause a response that's 'to do with it'. Y'know?
lol I don't think there's a man on earth that gets turned on by a woman giving birth, but what the OP's saying is that for both the examiner and the examinee of a pelvic exam, it can become a bit overly 'sexual' and stimulating, in a way that he isn't comfortable with. Particularly when pelvic exams tend to cause orgasms.
Personally I think most men who become gynecologists, well, it just comes across as a bit pervy for me, and right enough, I'd agree with the OP that a lot of these men would get a big thrill from this kind of thing, particularly when a young, attractive woman walks in.
But my point is, if a woman gets a thrill from that, wife or no-wife, there isn't a terrible lot of say that I have in it. So my perspective is; put it out of the mind.
I mean, let's face it, no woman, or in fact no man, on the inside, is never attracted to another person, or led by thoughts as such, even if it's just into having a peek or a sneaky look.
People hide the true extent of their sexuality too much, imo.
I'm not saying 'be overly sexual', but what I am saying is, be realistic about it.