Wow! It's like God is speaking directly to me through all of you on this thread! And it's obvious He is giving you the words to speak. Without you knowing all of the details you have definitely hit on things that were very true in my marriage. Crazy how He does that! I love it!
My ex did cheat and had other issues that were an ungodly struggle for him. And I did compromise a lot with boundaries in order to try and keep the peace. Just like the pastor you knew.
And I love what you said about holding on for so long that it could take longer to be available for a potential mate God may have in store for me. I do need to move on with my life, embrace my singleness for now, and consider this time I have with no distractions as a gift to keep focusing on my relationship with Jesus. I know I'm my heart that if I seek Him and His Kingdom first, He will provide everything He knows I truly need, including a godly man if that's what He has in store.
Thank you for hearing God and sharing your thoughts!
My ex did cheat and had other issues that were an ungodly struggle for him. And I did compromise a lot with boundaries in order to try and keep the peace. Just like the pastor you knew.
And I love what you said about holding on for so long that it could take longer to be available for a potential mate God may have in store for me. I do need to move on with my life, embrace my singleness for now, and consider this time I have with no distractions as a gift to keep focusing on my relationship with Jesus. I know I'm my heart that if I seek Him and His Kingdom first, He will provide everything He knows I truly need, including a godly man if that's what He has in store.
Thank you for hearing God and sharing your thoughts!
Keep in mind it takes time to fully adjust your view. You'll have bad days where you'll be tempted to go back to your old thoughts. Be prepared to face those as you grow and learn. And try to have a backup plan ready. Or even try to keep ahead of it.
If any scriptures help you with this consider writing them on index cards and taping them around places you'll frequently be. Bathroom mirror, somewhere in your car and whatever else you can think of.
It may even be good to shuffle and change them around. And maybe reposition them every so often since you'll eventually get used to them and they won't catch your eye.
You can write anything that helps. Pictures, quotes, whatever works for you.
Perhaps save this thread in your browser to come back to it easily.
Doing such things should help to redirect your mind to a different place.
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