They were supposed to go into the promise land. The iniquity of the Amorites was already fulfilled. But they had to wonder 40 years in the wilderness because of unbelief. A pause in the prophetic timeline of the Amorites. They were supposed to be in Egypt 400 years and then come out and judge the Amorites, but it got delayed didn't it? hmmmm...
I just came up with that on the fly. Sounded good. LOL .. I really have no idea about the Daniel timeline. I have not even begun to study it.
I just came up with that on the fly. Sounded good. LOL .. I really have no idea about the Daniel timeline. I have not even begun to study it.
Here's why I'm asking for a precedent of pausing a prophetic timeframe...the Almighty doesn't change. When something doesn't fit our understanding we need to change not the Almighty.
The Almighty specific told daniel "HOW MUCH TIME" until Israel would be finished with sin, exile, etc. He studied Jeremiah and learn about 70 years. But was corrected and told, "no, 70 weeks; 490 years". This matches the number of times Messiah told Peter to forgive his brother ("70 x 7").
...but when we add a gap of nearly 2000 years we are in effect saying, "no you're wrong Almighty, there's approx. 2490 years (483 years before Messiah's appearance + approx 2000 years of a pause where you do absolutely nothing to Israel + 7 final years of tribulation upon them).
Daniel was highly favored and so he was given a detailed answer of each portion of that 70 weeks timeframe until Israel would be desolated.
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